Re: [amsat-bb] Thursday's ARISS contact

Everyone, I have permission to connect the MICHIGAN Echolink conference to the AMSAT Echolink conference. If all goes as planned the audio should also be available on the AMSAT conference direct from the school. Mike kb8zgl
----- Original Message ----- From: "John Spasojevich" <johnag9d at> Cc: "AMSAT BB" <amsat-bb at>; "Steve Kristoff" <skristof at> Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 10:23 PM Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Thursday's ARISS contact
Typically the audio from a telebridge contact is carried on the AMSAT Echolink server and on the web. Direct contacts in the US are a little more tricky to get the audio out from the school via phone patch or skype. Also it's felt to add more to the stress level of the ground crew, we'd rather have them make a good contact for their local use. I've generally added that capability to the directs I've done personally and I'll tell you its a good half a days work to do it. At one school I has 150 feet of Cat5 strung around the gym to get to the stage and on another we tried the Iphone app. Never got any reports so I don;t know how well that worked. we were lucky to get a signal in that school. The gear we used was the same from school to school, which is not the norm.
73, John - AG9D
participants (1)
Michael J. Wolthuis