...Interesting. If you turn off the TNC when not in use, and set power save, it is no different from any other radio I think. And nothing has changed in FM "technology" in 30 years... I don't understand your bias...
My "bias" comes from knowing from first hand experience that the radio is NOT anywhere near as efficient with its energy consumption than more current (no pun intended) HTs. That fac has already been acknowledged ny another participant here, too. They used to ship with a SIX VOLT battery pack - PB-38 - which only allowed 2.5W VHF and 2.2W UHF ops out of the box. (Ebay buyers beware!!!!) But they now ship with a PB-39, offering 12VDC at 600 0r 650mAH and a full five Watts power output.
More modern radios are offering full power output with 7.2V and much longer-lasting NiMH and Li-Ion battery packs.
Owners (including myself) have "compensated" the TH-D7's poor original battery life with aftermarket NiMH packs and the like...But in responding to the original poster's inquiry (limited funds), I still believe I gave him some good information.
But if one asks, "I need a TNC in an HT...APRS intrigues me..." - then the TH-D7a fits the bill.
Clint Bradford, K6LCS / KAF3359 909-241-7666
participants (1)
Clint Bradford