I heard no stations on the most recent pass, at 2145Z,,, on AO-27... amI missing something? Bob W0DXZ

Hi Bob!
I heard no stations on the most recent pass, at 2145Z,,, on AO-27... amI missing something?
The AO-27 web site shows a period of repeater time at 2146 UTC tomorrow (Tuesday, 13 May), and the program now available from KA3HSW's web site showed the repeater should have been on at 2027 and 2208 UTC this afternoon.
For tomorrow, the program is showing the repeater on at 2139 and 2320 UTC for passes that should be workable here in Arizona. Keep in mind the AO-27 web site's schedule for the upcoming 24 hours is off by several minutes, and the program is off by a much smaller amount (less than 1 minute). Check your pass predictions with sites like the AMSAT web site, to ensure you are getting accurate pass information - along with the start time for the AO-27 repeater.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/
participants (2)