Novel driven element design by VK3ZUQ (silent key)

Hi folks, Bruce Pritchard has been a silent key for a few years now, but he was a thinking man, and I thought I might share with you on this list, something he made me send out on packet years ago.
Bruce designed a very interesting UHF driven element for yagi use.
Bruce's callsign was VK3ZUQ. He was also at one time the Champion fly fisherman in the ACT. Bruce served in the armed forces in New Guinea during WW2, narrowly avoiding obliteration, while driving a fully loaded fuel truck that was straffed by a Japanese Zero. After the war he spent time in the Antarctic research teams, spending time on Heard Island. Bruce was for a time the weather man at Maralinga in South Australia, during several atomic bomb tests.
The theory and math bits to enable you to build this design for any frequency are included.
Thanks for reading, all the best for the New Year. VK3UKF. _________________________________________________________________ It's simple! Sell your car for just $30 at
participants (1)
Kevin Forbes