WD9EWK @ DM52/53 on Friday (3 May), maybe DM51/52 on Saturday (4 May) afternoon

I previously mentioned my plans to visit the DM52/DM53 grid boundary in Graham County AZ on Friday, 3 May 2019:
I still plan on working the AO-91 and AO-92 passes around the middle of the day out there. After those passes and a lunch break down the road in Safford, I plan on returning to the DM52/DM53 line to work some SSB passes. I may even try a FalconSat-3 pass out there, too. I'm not sure if I will be able to work the 2118 UTC AO-7 pass from there, and not sure if AO-7 would be in mode B at that time. I do plan on trying the 2250 UTC FO-29 pass from DM52/DM53, and some of the XW-2 passes after that. I still need to make it to DM41 for the evening, so I definitely won't stay out at DM52/DM53 after dark.
My travels should be visible as WD9EWK-9 on APRS:
and updates during the day will be posted on my @WD9EWK Twitter feed, which is also visible at:
For Saturday in the late afternoon, I may make a quick stop on the DM51/DM52 grid boundary in Cochise County AZ. I was just at this spot in late March, but some have asked if I could make a return trip and put that grid boundary on the air. There aren't any late afternoon FM satellite passes at that location, meaning it would only be on the SSB transponders, and maybe FalconSat-3 for those who work packet. Please check my @WD9EWK Twitter feed on Saturday for updates, to see if I am heading out there, as well as my APRS track.
QSOs will be uploaded to Logbook of the World, and QSL cards will be available on request (please e-mail me directly with QSO details - no need to first send me a card or SASE). Thanks, and 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK or http://twitter.com/WD9EWK
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