Stephan Greene>> … Chuck was previously manager of the HRO Salem NH …
Indeed - that was when I was working for Janet at HRO-Anaheim!
… Mike's mom; I've worked her on AO-27 …
I am horrible with names … My wife works the Chat Box during my sessions for me …
… I've given satellite talks to the local clubs and am always looking to improve my material. Are any videos of your presentations/slides available?
My “problem” is that each presentation is customized for each audience. There’s about 20 “slides” per show that get changed each time.
For those less-experienced than you, I offer this page for creating one’s one own presentation …
https://www.work-sat.com/presentations.html https://www.work-sat.com/presentations.html
ALSO - the problem with such a show - similar to publishing a book: It just might be “outdated” in a week or so. Look at what just occurred with the ISS: If I posted a video of one of my presentations from just early January, 2021 - it would already be outdated with “improper” info.
… Thanks for all the work you do to promote satellite ops!
Groups are still finding me. Even for “encore” shows: It will be my third or fourth show for an Orange County, CA club next month. And counting their hamfests and club meetings, I am not sure WHY the Palm Springs Desert RATS want me back again (g). One night, we were locked out of the city building in which we sere supposed to meet. But I saw an AC outlet on the wall … and I always carried my own projector and screen ... So we started the meeting in the parking lot!
Always have a Plan B … and a Plan C … (g)
Clint Bradford K6LCS 909-999-SATS (7287)
participants (1)
Clint Bradford