Hi All,
I did make 2 OSCAR SKN QSOs. Both on FO29.
The first was with Glenn AA5PK in DM91.
The second was with Frank K9CIS in EM59.
Both QSOs were brief. There is not very much CW on the OSCARS these days, not like it was in the 80s on AO7. And as for me being a whole bunch older, I have trouble with the dits and dahs, that little delay going up and coming back down, so my CW sounds very sloppy.
It was fun and both Glenn and Frank were very patient with me. I will try more CW for 2014.
Currently the Club station, K4AMG is down for upgrades. Our Board of Directors have purchased M2 Circular Polarization antennas for 2 meter and 70 cm. The 2 meter antenna is 14 element and the 70 cm antenna is 30 elements. We also are adding AR2 preamps for 2 meter and 70 cm. We hope to raise the OSCAR antennas support another 8 feet on our trailer to avoid blockages from nearby buildings.
April - May time frame we will be operating from the Chesapeake Center for Science and Technology Center using the call W4FOS with the system. We are also preparing a hand held OSCAR station for the FM SATS. Looking forward to the new FOX.
I wonder if anyone operate modulated CW on FM?
Anyway that was SKN on the SATS and an update on K4AMG.
God Bless
Rich W4BUE
participants (1)