ISS SSTV reception - what changed?

Hi folks,
I've been having exceptional results receiving the SSTV images from the ISS during this 40th Anniversary event. I missed the last one, but in prior years I'd see a much weaker signal, and have a number of fading events. I also observe that the ISS seems to favor left-hand polarization, though that's more likely something on my end (dirty relay contacts or similar).
Sample image, attached. This was from the just completed pass, toward the very end. It was a low pass overall, and the ISS was under 10 degrees elevation at the start, perhaps a few degrees by the end. I also would have been aiming through a large oak tree, yet perfect copy where I would have expected something marginal.
Did they change anything on the ISS?
Greg KO6TH
p.s. Very nice certificate arrived from an earlier pass. Thanks!
participants (1)
Greg D