Good Morning,
Hope (KM4IPF) will be presenting at the Youth Forums at the Orlando Hamcation and Dayton Hamvention. She gives her first practice presentation tonight at the Orlando OARC meeting and gives another one again tomorrow at the Lake Monroe LMARS meeting.
She is putting the finishing touches on her PowerPoint right now, and we find that we don't have any good video of her actually working contacts on a pass. Weather permitting (it's a cold 70 degrees and rainy here in Florida), we will shoot video of her working the 1906Z pass this afternoon.
If there is not a rare grid on the pass, would anyone who can make the pass please listen for her and work her for the video? Remember, she is 9 years old and still learning to do it all on her own, so if you could give callsigns and grids a couple of times when you work her, it would be appreciated!
If you're in Central Florida, come hear her tonight or tomorrow, and if you make the hamfests, be sure to attend the Youth Forums. The kids who speak at them are the future of our hobby and they typically give some incredible talks.
Know in advance that your QSO may end up in the talk!
Thanks and 73,
James Lea - WX4TV Sent from my iPhone
participants (1)
James Lea - WX4TV