Hi All,
Just made a nice SSB QSO on sked via FO-29 with Luc VE2DWE in FN36KA to day on orbit 52260 from 06:20 to 06:26 UTC The distance from FN36KA and JN70ES is 6742.8 km
The last QSO with Luc was via AO40 but the above contact lasted 6 minutes of a very outstanding conversation with no QSB via a LEO satellite with a max elevation for me of 2.5 degrees and 6.5 degrees for Luc.
If any one like to try CW or SSB on FO-29 with me in JN70ES please email off list.
Tanks Luc for this very interesting experiment with you.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico
On 18 Mar 2007 at 7:57, i8cvs wrote:
Hi All,
Just made a nice SSB QSO on sked via FO-29 with Luc VE2DWE in FN36KA to day on orbit 52260 from 06:20 to 06:26 UTC The distance from FN36KA and JN70ES is 6742.8 km
The last QSO with Luc was via AO40 but the above contact lasted 6 minutes of a very outstanding conversation with no QSB via a LEO satellite with a max elevation for me of 2.5 degrees and 6.5 degrees for Luc.
If any one like to try CW or SSB on FO-29 with me in JN70ES please email off list.
Tanks Luc for this very interesting experiment with you.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico
Hi Domenico
Thank's for this fine QSO it just make me remember the AO-40 time. As soon as FO-29 emerge over the horizon i was able to hear my downlink and hear you swish back on my downlink elevation was at 2 deg only from an S4 signal you peak up to S8 (audio estimate) as my preamp is not installed yet.
I just recover from a total antennas destruction in an ice storm in december (pictures on a separate e-mail) I was using a 7 elem linear yagi for the dowlnlink and a 14 elem cross yagi for the uplink with 125 watts.
My eastern horizon is partially block by my neighbour cedar tree line that i managed to cut by about 1.5 meters this past summer making this partial opening to the east.
Will try for another test when my preamp will be installed on a new 14 elem yagi on a separate feed line.
Hope this will trigger more activity on this satellite Domenico
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE
participants (2)
Luc Leblanc