I could not find the earlier note about 91 or 92 receive problem, but I just remembered that I had trouble with 91 a few weeks ago and discovered that a network camera that I had observing my antenna was generating a strong signal right on the AO-91 downlink frequency. Ferrites on the CAT5 helped some, but not enough. So until I can examine it more, I power the camera off when I'm working 91.
I found it using an HT and just noticed the squelch breaking as I tuned over the frequency. From then on it just used the HT as a probe. Narrowed it down to the network, and then had to do some unplugging to find the actual culprit.
Burns WB1FJ
Interesting. I ran into a similar problem but with SO-50. I mounted a GoPro to the boom of my arrow and worked an AO-85 pass and everything seemed fine. I then had a fairly shallow pass of SO-50 and could barley make out anything, I quickly detached it and moved it away and I could hear the bird just fine.
You may want to look into shielded CAT-6, I hear this helps.
73 Mike Diehl W8LID/VE6LID
On Nov 8, 2018, at 09:22, Burns Fisher burns@fisher.cc wrote:
I could not find the earlier note about 91 or 92 receive problem, but I just remembered that I had trouble with 91 a few weeks ago and discovered that a network camera that I had observing my antenna was generating a strong signal right on the AO-91 downlink frequency. Ferrites on the CAT5 helped some, but not enough. So until I can examine it more, I power the camera off when I'm working 91.
I found it using an HT and just noticed the squelch breaking as I tuned over the frequency. From then on it just used the HT as a probe. Narrowed it down to the network, and then had to do some unplugging to find the actual culprit.
Burns WB1FJ _______________________________________________ Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
Thanks. That's a thought. I did put on some ferrite chokes all over the place, and it helped some of the other birdies, but not this particular one. I'm wondering if it might be radiating from the camera itself and picked up by the antenna.
On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 2:03 PM Mike Diehl diehl.mike.a@gmail.com wrote:
Interesting. I ran into a similar problem but with SO-50. I mounted a GoPro to the boom of my arrow and worked an AO-85 pass and everything seemed fine. I then had a fairly shallow pass of SO-50 and could barley make out anything, I quickly detached it and moved it away and I could hear the bird just fine.
You may want to look into shielded CAT-6, I hear this helps.
73 Mike Diehl W8LID/VE6LID
On Nov 8, 2018, at 09:22, Burns Fisher burns@fisher.cc wrote:
I could not find the earlier note about 91 or 92 receive problem, but I just remembered that I had trouble with 91 a few weeks ago and discovered that a network camera that I had observing my antenna was generating a strong signal right on the AO-91 downlink frequency. Ferrites on the
helped some, but not enough. So until I can examine it more, I power the camera off when I'm working 91.
I found it using an HT and just noticed the squelch breaking as I tuned over the frequency. From then on it just used the HT as a probe.
it down to the network, and then had to do some unplugging to find the actual culprit.
Burns WB1FJ _______________________________________________ Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership.
Opinions expressed
are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of
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participants (2)
Burns Fisher
Mike Diehl