I've also got a KEPS downcoverter, AND a K5GNA. And I have one of those really nice 1M dish antennas from that guy in Pennsylvania, all never used, except for the K5GNA, which was used at Field Day on a 2M dish when AO-40 was still alive. When I operate satellites from my apartment, I use my terrestrial 2M/70cm antennas, and pick passes that don't go above 15* or so. They work very well, and surprise a lot of people when I tell them what I'm using. 73, Jim KQ6EA
--- On Fri, 10/2/09, Alan VE4YZ [email protected] wrote:
From: Alan VE4YZ [email protected] Subject: RE: [amsat-bb] Re: KLM 2M-14C To: "'i8cvs'" [email protected], "'Jim Jerzycke'" [email protected] Date: Friday, October 2, 2009, 8:50 PM Hi Dom and Jim...
I agree with the comments about the quality of the KLM. But do not agree with the idea of keeping surplus ham equipment. We have a shrinking population of amateurs, and, in this area specifically EN19, fewer and few amateurs interested in satellites, and an older and older population of hams getting out by choice or circumstances.
The problem I face is to not compete with others when getting rid of my surplus equipment on swap 'n shops, flea markets and eBay where the prices would be driven down to all the sellers' detriment. Of course, if I was a buyer, too much supply is good.
I'm sitting on too much depreciating equipment now that I can't get rid of so I might as well give it away free - and I do that.
A new in the box KLM should fetch a good price and easy to ship. Used, the same antenna is a pain in the butt to get rid of unless sold locally. Disassembling a yagi and shipping - yuk! And the cheap ham community wants it for next to nothing.
If you get a decent offer - take it; it will be worth less ( not worthless ) tomorrow.
The only major items I'm keeping is a FT-736r with the 1.2GHz module - the 1.2 being worth more than the rest of the radio and a second G5400b AZ/EL/Controller and a couple of Gulfalpha dual banders and M2 matching tees that get dragged out once a year for field day. But every time I look at them a see a lot of money tied up doing nothing and swear I'll do an eBay on them.
By this time next year I expect I'll have 3 complete satellite setups and be even madder about not unload the stuff while it had some value. Part of my surplus is dumb purchasing decisions. I have a KEPS dual band down converter for 2.4GHz that I should have never bought but I did because a fellow hams has his mother living in Germany and it was easy to get it that way. 2 extra K5GNA down converters for what? I am given some of this by guys going out of the hobby for various reasons including SK.
Very sad to see good equipment not used and depreciating in value every day.
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of i8cvs Sent: October 2, 2009 9:20 PM To: Jim Jerzycke; AMSAT-BB Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: KLM 2M-14C
Hi Jim KQ6EA
I suggest you don't sell the KLM 2M-14C because in my experience it is a very very nice antenna.
73" de
i8CVS Domenico
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jim Jerzycke" [email protected] To: "AMSAT-BB" [email protected] Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2009 3:16 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] KLM 2M-14C
I have a new-in-box KLM 2M-14C up on eBay if anybody
is interested.
Item number is 230383642566
73, Jim _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected].
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Jim Jerzycke