AMSAT 2010 Space Symposium at Elk Grove Village, IL
AMSAT Announces 2010 Space Symposium ________________________________
AMSAT announces the 2010 Space Symposium and Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, October 8 through Sunday, October 10. This year we have selected the Chicago/Elk Grove Holiday Inn which is near O'Hare Airport for the event. This is the same hotel that recently has hosted the Central States VHF Conference, TAPR and W9DXCC events.
All Amateur Radio Operators interested in space communications are invited to participate in the Symposium offerings including:
* Space Symposium with Amateur Satellite Presentations * Operating Techniques, News, & Plans from the Amateur Satellite World * Board of Directors Meeting open to AMSAT members * Meet Board Members and Officers * Annual General Membership Meeting * Annual Banquet—Keynote Speaker and Door Prizes * President's Club Reception * Area Coordinator's BreakfastThe Chicago/Elk Grove Holiday Inn is located at 1000 Busse Road, Elk Grove, IL (near O’Hare Airport with free hourly shuttles). The room rate and reservation information will be announced shortly.
Watch the AMSAT Symposium Page for more news as it becomes available.
2010 Space Symposium First Call for Papers, Posters & Presentations
This is the first call for papers for the 2010 AMSAT Space Symposium and Annual Meeting to be held October 8 - 10 at the Chicago/Elk Grove Holiday Inn near O'Hare Airport.
The Symposium Committee invites proposals for:
* Papers for publication in the Proceedings * Symposium Presentations * Poster Presentations * Equipment and Operating DemonstrationsThese can be on any topic of interest to the amateur satellite community. We request a tentative title of your paper/presentation as soon as possible, with final copy submitted by September 1, 2010 for inclusion in the printed proceedings.
Abstracts and papers should be sent via e-mail to [email protected]
The 2010 Symposium Author's Guide can be found at
participants (1)
Mark Thompson