Re: We're All Volunteers ...

I am still being asked to show audiences the “basics” of working satellites. My presentation has never been advertised as a session on working the linears. They are mentioned during my presentation - and attendees are pointed in the right direction to find excellent info on getting started working them.
The “speaker proposal” I send to those who invite me spells out exactly what will be explained and discussed during my presentation. I posted a “sample” copy of that proposal here a few months ago. It plainly explains what I will be doing for the club/convention.
Would you like to be sent a copy?
Not sure what you are getting at. Would you like me to find an AMSAT member who can give your club a great talk on the linears? Do YIOU have one?
Since I am still being asked to do what I have been doing for years, I am not - at this time - going to alter the “thrust” of my presentations.
Clint K6LCS
On Feb 6, 2021, at 7:29 AM, Rick Wyrwas [email protected] wrote:
So you don’t show how to work the linear birds
participants (1)
Clint Bradford