Another first: rotor problems

There is a first for everything. So today for the first time in my 10 years as an amateur radio operator I experienced that my KR-400 rotator (partially) stopped working. It has not been in use for 10 years, only the last 8 months and the motor was cleaned and greased before the install. Before I start dismantling everything I would like to see if any of you have any good advice.
The problem --- it will turn right, not left.
What I measured --- between terminals 5 and 6 (right turn) I measured 31 Volts, which is normal. Between 4 and 6 (left turn) only 21 Volts. Rotor not connected to the controlling box when measuring.
My thoughts --- must be in the controlling box. However, there is simply nothing there in the circuit that I think could act up. From the transformer one terminal carrying 29 Volts goes to two switches. The other terminal is neutral. There is the light bulb between the two terminals and a 70 uF/50V capacitor between the two switches.
I could be entirely wrong, so spill any info and/or tips that you can give me, here. Cheers,
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