I was wondering is there a small 144/435 antenna? I'm open to ideas, trying to come up with something simple cheap and fast. It would be put at the 20ft level on my tower. At 25 ft level is a 9 el M2 2m yagi but its not at a angle. I like the Elk cause it only has one feedline but would not want to mount it outside permanently.
On Thu, 2009-06-04 at 16:50 -0600, Jerry Felts wrote:
I was wondering is there a small 144/435 antenna? I'm open to ideas, trying to come up with something simple cheap and fast. It would be put at the 20ft level on my tower. At 25 ft level is a 9 el M2 2m yagi but its not at a angle. I like the Elk cause it only has one feedline but would not want to mount it outside permanently.
Make an Elk-style antenna. Sticking the diplexer up there is no biggie. As long as your preamp has TX/RX switching, that should survive too.
Hot glue and IP-rated boxes work wonders.
How hard is it to reproduce the Elk in a homebrew? It's a log perioidic and all of the "build your own" articles I've found on the web are for yagis. Are the log periodic's dimensions more critical?
What about building a pair of yagis ( http://www.wa5vjb.com/references/Cheap%20Antennas-LEOs.pdf) and mounting them on the same boom? That would eliminate the need for a diplexer, depending on how you were planning to hook it up.
73 de AJ4MJ On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 4:33 AM, Gordon JC Pearce gordonjcp@gjcp.net wrote:
On Thu, 2009-06-04 at 16:50 -0600, Jerry Felts wrote:
I was wondering is there a small 144/435 antenna? I'm open to ideas, trying to come up with something simple cheap and fast. It would be put at the 20ft level on my tower. At 25 ft level is a 9 el M2 2m yagi but its not at a angle. I like the Elk cause it only has one feedline but would not want to mount it outside permanently.
Make an Elk-style antenna. Sticking the diplexer up there is no biggie. As long as your preamp has TX/RX switching, that should survive too.
Hot glue and IP-rated boxes work wonders.
Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
On Fri, 2009-06-05 at 10:12 -0400, Justin Pinnix wrote:
How hard is it to reproduce the Elk in a homebrew? It's a log perioidic and all of the "build your own" articles I've found on the web are for yagis. Are the log periodic's dimensions more critical?
Log periodics are somewhat fiddly.
What about building a pair of yagis ( http://www.wa5vjb.com/references/Cheap%20Antennas-LEOs.pdf) and mounting them on the same boom? That would eliminate the need for a diplexer, depending on how you were planning to hook it up.
Well that's what I built - a WA5VJB for 2m and one for 70cm (3-ele and 5-ele) and an HB9ABX diplexer. It works pretty well, but the antenna is fiddly to tune.
I recommend tuning up each antenna separately, then fitting the diplexer and tuning that.
participants (3)
Gordon JC Pearce
Jerry Felts
Justin Pinnix