Evening SO-50 NA passes tonight

If anybody is like me and likes to burn the midnight oil, I'll be working the two overnight SO-50 passes, the first from 0638-0652Z and the second from 0820-0831Z. I know that traffic is very low on the birds at night, but I just thought I'd throw it out there. My station is now in the 'tune and tweak' mode and I am attempting to work as many passes as possible so I can plot my antenna/receiver response vs. the pass altitude and bearing to get an idea of my environment here; unfortunately it's tough as I am at work from 2100-0500Z.
also if anybody wants to chat about some sort of overnight sked, that'd be awesome - I'm sure there's at least one or two NA ops that keep the same hours that I do. :P
Up to four contacts on the birds, enjoying every pass as it's exciting as heck! my YL figured out that every time a certain alarm goes off on my cell phone I scamper back into the shack for 15 minutes and the U-110 starts thump thump thumping :)
Matt KC4YLV em26
participants (1)
Jonny 290