Has anyone owned and used both?
I love my FT-530, but I am having a "grass is greener" moment...
For those of you have, can you comment on sensitivity? de-sense? programming? controls/interface? availability of headsets? power? (i.e. handheld FM satellite usage)
Anything I neglected?
Bill W1PA

The IC-W32a is susceptible to heavy intermod. I had a pair of them before they stopped selling them the first time. I was in a predominantly intermod area, Phoenix, AZ. When I went out the the mountains it would be fine. I got rid of the radios and went with pair of IC-T7H's. They are 10 years old now and been thru hell and back, they work just fine.
If your 530 is working don’t fix it..
73! James KB7TBT www.kb7tbt.com
Has anyone owned and used both?
I love my FT-530, but I am having a "grass is greener" moment...
For those of you have, can you comment on sensitivity? de-sense? programming? controls/interface? availability of headsets? power? (i.e. handheld FM satellite usage)
Anything I neglected?
Bill W1PA
participants (2)
Bill Acito W1PA