AMSAT INDIA's January 2011 news letter is available for download. The PDF of the newsletter is at http://amsatindia.org/Newsletter/AMSATINDIA-News-January2011.pdf and the archives at www.amsatindia.org/Newsletter
Contents of the Newsletter :
1. Message from the President of AMSAT INDIA, Ramesh, VU2RMS.
2. Monthly talks on topics related to Amateur Radio satellite communication
3. Report by Technical Director, POP, VU2POP
4. Few images to an AZ/EL rotator. (More details in next news letter)
5. News from AMSAT organizations world wide.
Nitin [VU3TYG]
Secretary, AMSAT INDIA
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AMSAT INDIA's February 2011 news letter is available for download. The PDF of the newsletter is available at http://amsatindia.org/Newsletter/AMSATINDIA-News-February2011.pdf and the archives at www.amsatindia.org/Newsletter
Content of the Newsletter
1. Update on the Technical talk held on January 30th
2. Update on the Cubesat Transponder project by AMSAT INDIA.
3. Azimuth Elevation Rotator - A Homebrew approach by VU2POP
4. News from AMSAT organizations worldwide
Nitin [VU3TYG]
Secretary, AMSAT INDIA
No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 10.0.1204 / Virus Database: 1435/3444 - Release Date: 02/14/11

AMSAT INDIA's March 2011 News letter is available for download. The PDF of the newsletter is available at http://amsatindia.org/Newsletter/AMSATINDIA-News-March_2011.pdf and the archives at www.amsatindia.org/Newsletter
Content of the Newsletter
1. Update on the Technical talk held on February 20th 2011
2. Update on the Cubesat Transponder project by AMSAT INDIA.
3. Report by Anantha- VU3GPF on the scheduled contact with ISS with his school in India.
4. VU4PB - DXpedition by Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) to Andaman and Nicobar.
5. News from AMSAT Organizations worldwide.
Nitin [VU3TYG]
Secretary, AMSAT INDIA
No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 10.0.1204 / Virus Database: 1498/3507 - Release Date: 03/14/11
participants (1)
Nitin Muttin