Robin Harvey G4BBR died on the morning of Tuesday, May 23, in the Sue Ryder Home, Leckhampton, Cheltenham after a long illness.
Active in the early days of Amateur Satellites he was AMSAT Life Member 445 and a keen Oscar 7 operator.
In the 1970's he was a Member of the Borderers VHF Contest Group, GW4ABR/P, sometimes also called The Golden Valley VHF Contest Group. They acheived the 1st G4 +3, 2m Award and the 1st G4 + 3, 4m Award.
Robin spent 2 years National Service in the Royal Signals, Germany, then back to the General Post Office (GPO), then the UK Government company running all postal and telecommunications. After that he was in the Army at Boddington for a couple of years where he Commissioned STRAD, Signal Transmission, Reception and Automatic Distribution (Electronic Telegraph switching system) for the Army.
He then joined the Foreign Office in the late 1960s in Cheltenham where he stayed until he retired a few years ago.
His funeral will take place on Wednesday June 1 at 2.30pm at Cheltenham Crematorium, South Chapel.
73 Trevor M5AKA
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Trevor .