The above was gleened from all the lateset gnashing. Is or does anyone know of work being done of 5ghz receive systems? I have a bunch of old C band receivers and C band LNA/LNB a 12 foot TVRO. I am not and engineer, but I can follow directions. Just get me started I would like to get ahead of the curve. 5ghz will be in our future, ready or not! 73 Bob W7LRD Seattle
Well grab one and have a play with it. See what you come up with. I have converted 12 GHz sat LNBs to 10 GHz by super gluing an extra puc onto it's exiting puc, to change the Lo to 9 GHz. Played around with the LNBs pre-amp and filters by cutting/adding pcb tracks. No reason the same can't be done on C band LNB. You will be moving the LO about 2 GHz might be bit of stretch but it's going to be fun to find out.
I did read a page about moding 12 GHz LNBs for 10 GHz ATV. Here is one page that gives step by step mods and there are a couple of others around http://www.qsl.net/pa3gco/zelfbouw/blauwkap/bluecap.html I have also seen the same done for a 2.4 GHz transmit converter on drake type downconverter which I can't find the page for at the moment.
C band LNBs are cheap to get and there are heaps of them out there. So let's get at it!
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