Congratulations to the NEXUS team for the successful launch and testing of their satellite, now designed Fuji-OSCAR 99.
Am I correct that eventually this satellite will be used for Mode J linear transponder operation, similar to FO-29?
FO-29 is a remarkable bird—here’s wish FO-99 the same success.
Les Rayburn, N1LF Maylene, AL EM63nf AMSAT #38965, ARRL Life Member, CVHS Life Member, SVHF Member

Hello Les,
Am I correct that eventually this satellite will be used for Mode J linear transponder operation, similar to FO-29?
Here is the information that the AMSAT News Service received. The full bulletin is posted at http://amsat.org/pipermail/ans/2019/001081.html
JAMSAT NEXUS V/U Mode-J CubeSat Scheduled to Launch January 17
The Japan AMSAT Association (JAMSAT) and students at the Nippon University are jointly developing a CubeSat called NEXUS which will have a 145 to 435 MHz (Mode-J) transponder and a 38 kbps data downlink.
Nippon University students have previously developed the SEEDS and SPROUT satellites. NEXUS is an acronym of “Next Education X (cross) Unique Satellite”, it will be 1U CubeSat with a mass of between 1 and 1.5 kg.
The NEXUS cubesat will: + Provide amateur radio communications via the 145/435 MHz transponder and SSTV + Download pictures from the 640×480 pixel camera + Operate the data downlink at 38400 bps QPSK + Compare the performance of the data downlink when using AFSK, GMSK and QPSK modes
NEXUS will be launched from the JAXA Uchinoura Space Center located in Kagoshima Prefecture on January 17, 2019 (JST) aboard an Epsilon rocket together with OrigamiSat-1 and AOBA-Velox-IV into a 500 km sun sync- hronous orbit.
Linear transponder ------------------ Uplink: 145.900-145.930 MHz (CW/LSB) Downlink: 435.880-435.910 MHz (CW/USB) CW/Data: 435.900 MHz & 437.075 MHz Callsign: JS1YAV
Separation from the rocket is planned for T + 4100 seconds after launch at which time NEXUS will be powered on. CW telemetry infor- mation will commence transmission 16 minutes, 40 seconds following power up.
NEXUS website in Google English http://tinyurl.com/NEXUS-Satellite
NEXUS Blog http://tinyurl.com/NEXUS-Sat-Blog
JAMSAT in Google English http://tinyurl.com/JAMSAT
Read the AMSAT-UK posting at: https://amsat-uk.org/2014/08/24/nexus-cubesat-mode-j-transponder/
[ANS thanks JAMSAT and Nippon University for the above information.]
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected]
participants (2)
JoAnne Maenpaa
Les Rayburn