From David, PJ4/NA2AA on Bonaire via the AMSAT North America Facebook
group (a fantastic group that I encourage everyone to join, incidentally - https://www.facebook.com/groups/7828379515/)
"Status update from Bonaire. QRV for almost every possible pass today. Only 6 QSOs. Will be on this evenings passes - hope to work many guys. South America has been very quiet. Only one PY and then 9Y4 a little while ago. No HK, YV, CE, LU, etc... See you on the birds!! de PJ4/NA2AA"
If you have a satellite station, please look for and work David. Even if you're not a paper chaser, please spend a few minutes to work him. It's good for the amateur satellite world to have guys willing to go to different places, please chip in and help make it worth their while!
Paul, N8HM

I need to replace the FETs for both: KP-2/2m and KP-2/70cm, I look for schematics and parts list for these units for some years already and wasn't able to find anywhere on the Internet. The "mysterious" FET seems to be the same for KP-2/2m and KP-2/70cm on the circuit (KP-2 rev. B) and it feeds another FET: J310 for 144Mhz and a J309 for 435MHz. I have couple spares of MFG1302 and 3SK74, not sure if it would make a good direct replacement ? ThanksĀ 73 Ed PY2RN
participants (2)
Eduardo PY2RN
Paul Stoetzer