one laptop per your child hi

folks I am done whinin about not getting it but want to say my last words about it, and state the facts, First they promised us delivery by the 24th if we orderd on the 12th, which I did. Second, some got theres when they orderd later say on the 15th.(first come first served) Third they all knew, being xmas time, that we would buy one for our child and then get another bought for someone else. (THE TIMING) SAY not as many would be sold if it was at another time of the year. They choose this time. Fouth It looks like they allready had there little cards all set to go knowing this was the plan, and the 30 days to cancel your order, is up.Remember I orderd the 12th of November. The first day! And I really dont care how much they are on ebay, who buys anything from them anyway. not me And I'm certanly not in it to make money. So now I either have to go out and buy my child another expensive gift here at the last moment, as the other boys are getting 1 expensive gift, (then he will get two) or just hand him this printer card and call it even and he can wait till January or Febuary for his present. This is called being slaped in the face for being nice and I hate it. US/ KC8GKF done whinning/po------d
good idea yes good planing no
participants (1)
Mr Jeffrey L Ross