swtiching frequency in satpc32

for my setup I dont have to use SatPC32ISS, Using my FT847 in split mode I use SatPC32 and can use digi mode for ISS (all digi sats on 2m). I do have to adj slightly the up/down freq during the pass for doppler though. can then switch to other sats w/o using separate program. 73 Christy KB6LTY
------ Yes, it has to work in simplex mode on 145825 with SatPc32ISS
73, Stefan VE4SW
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 8:23 AM John Brier <johnbrier at gmail.com> wrote:
He can't switch between FM repeater and digipeater, or at least use the digipeater with SatPC32, he needs SatPC32ISS for the digipeater, right?
73, John Brier KG4AKV
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020, 09:20 Stefan Wagener via AMSAT-BB < amsat-bb at amsat.org> wrote:
Assuming you entered the different frequencies in the doppler.sqf file, in the main window click on "CAT" and select the frequency from the list in the box.
73 Stefan VE4SW
On Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 7:46 AM lu9cbl--- via AMSAT-BB < amsat-bb at amsat.org> wrote:
Hi to all! maybe someone can help me, i can´t find in google the answer.
If i put the SatPC32 software to tracking the ISS, where i need to select to switch for example for de ISS, to conmute from the APRS freq to the FM repeater, and tracking that in my equipment?
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