Re: Last AO51 pass 0110 z Unbelievable Ignorance

----- Original Message -----
How in the world is is even remotely possible that people hold a conversation on the bird knowing that there are 70 people ( probabally more like 170) using the bird for quick contacts? HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE.. I cant imagine the ignorace involved... I just cannot fathom it.
-Steve Raas N2JDQ FN20vg
Hi everyone,
We've all experienced this from time to time, as well as the CQ'ers and those with inadequate receivers (as mentioned by others). I share your frustration.. Often times I'm trying to work the XE stations early in the pass, and two USA stations ignore the DX and proceed to chat again - after chatting on the last pass.. Meanwhile, the DX is just about to lose the bird...
I would suggest that the ragchewers and newbies spend more time on SO-50. It's under-utilized most of the time, and it's lower power transmitter will encourage those with marginal antennas and/or receive systems to optimize their equipment.
During the 'off-peak' times, have at it on any of the birds, but PLEASE don't monopolize them when many others are waiting.
Just my .02
Kyle Yoksh K0KN Olathe, Kansas Amsat #35249
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Kyle Yoksh