Grid chasers,
Everything is still a go for this weekend’s rove to EM98 and EM97. Generally, please plan on daylight passes being from EM98, and evening/nighttime passes from EM97. I’ll start with some passes Thursday evening if I am able to secure a site at my preferred campground in EM97. While this is a personal trip, I still have to work Friday. I have meetings until 1600Z and will try to be on some passes starting with the AO-92 @ 1628Z through the PO-101 @ 1751Z.
I’ll be on as many passes I can among the following birds:
AO-85 AO-91 AO-92 PO-101 CAS-4A CAS-4B XW-2A XW-2B
Through the weekend I’ll be hiking to some good outlooks for passes, but may also do some fly fishing in the Gorge.
I’ll be driving through EM88 both ways, so I’ll stop once or twice each way if you need that grid.
As always, my Twitter account will be your spot for the most up-to-date information: https://twitter.com/MWimages https://twitter.com/MWimages
Thanks, Michael, N4DCW
Michael Whitman [email protected] Home Grid: EM78
Listed on eBay item # 184043352774
ICOM IC-970A all mode transceiver for bands 144 - 430 - 1200 and general coverage receive for 50 - 905 MHz. The unit comes complete with UX-97A 1200 Mhz unit, the UX-96 50-905 MHz general receive unit, IC-EX243 electronic keyer, UT-37 tone squelch unit, and a high stability crystal unit. There is a 9600 baud packet board as well but was never installed.
Thanks for the bandwidth .....back to your normal scheduled programming.
Bill Booth VE3NXK Sundridge ON, Canada 79.23.37 W x 45.46.18 N FN05ns
Visit my weather WebCam at http://www.almaguin.com/wxcurrent/weather.html
Organ and Tissue Donation - The Gift of Life Talk to your family. Your decision can make a difference.
participants (2)
Bill Booth
Michael N4DCW