ND9M/VQ9JC sent an email advising that he is deployed on a Navy ship heading for Sumatra on a humanitarian mission with fresh water for the victims of the recent earthquakes there. His shipboard internet connection is not very good and he can only use it sparingly.
Jim reports that he has been active with his FT897 (TX) and the FT817 (RX) using an Arrow antenna and a UPS battery for power. He operates from the Helicopter Pad on the ship. He says that there isn't much activity in the Indian Ocean but he is working VU's and E21's and handing out rare water grids! Sure wish we had a satellite with a footprint that could reach him!
Jim has been active as VQ9JC on CW. We had a 17m qso a few weeks ago. There were spots for him on 20 and 30m on 2 October. He says that the QSL cards are coming in by the bushel.
Jim is looking forward to returning to the States and activating more grids here in the Spring. You may recall his activity this summer from many eastern US grids including all three grids in the State of Delaware. He also handed out many counties on HF for those chasing them. We wish him a safe journey and look forward to hearing him on the birds.
73, John K8YSE
participants (1)
John Papay