Foxtelem & Windows 10
Good afternoon all.
I had some luck with my win 7 laptop in getting telemetry of the birds with Foxtelem. So I know the ic-9100 is working the way it should do.
My issue is, I'm trying to use a win 10 desktop to get the telemetry & I'm having no luck. (I hate windows 10 at times)
The Radio & antenna controller are on a different computer.
I have a Dell Vostro 3470, win 10 Pro.
Tried to use internal sound card, both on Mic & Line in, external usb sound card, piping through VB cable virtual audio device.
All bit rates are set to 48000 (2 channel DVD).
When I use the test file on Foxtelem, the sound wave doesn't go across the screen, it stays on the left hand side of the screen.
As an experiment I made a dual feed for the discriminator out on the IC-9100, plugged on into the dell, the other in my win7 & got telemetry.
Running 1.08y Foxelem, as that's the version I go working with in 7, I have tryied DUV & Costasvwith the win 10 machine.
Any one have any ideas?
participants (1)
Pete vk2pet