----- Forwarded Message ----- From: "W5KUB Broadcast" [email protected] To: "Tom Medlin" [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 11:38:14 AM Subject: Amateur Radio Roundtable
Reminder - Amateur Radio Roundtable, a live weekly ham radio webcast can be seen at W5KUB. http://w5kub.com/*com* every Tuesday night at 8:00 PM CDT (0100 UTC Wednesday).
The show covers all aspects of ham radio; such as, balloon launches, Satellite, go-kits, emergency communications, SDR, digital modes, DXing, home brewing, and much more. This week’s guests include:
Russ Woodman, K5TUX, discussing Linux and open source for ham radio
Brian Schell, KD8OTD, author, discussing D-star and Echolink for beginners
Glen Popiel, KW5GP, author of the book “Arduino for Ham Radio”
To watch Amateur Radio Roundtable go to W5KUB.com, click on Live Events and sign in with your existing User Name and Password. If you don’t have a user name and password, just enter your call or name, leave the password blank and hit sign in.
We need your help with topics. If you have a specific subject that you would like to present in a future show, send an email to [email protected].
Join us for fun and interesting ham radio discussions. We’ll see you on the webcast!
Tom Medlin, W5KUB
To follow our webcasts and to discuss ham radio, please join our Facebook group, https://www.facebook.com/groups/w5kub/.
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