Hi All many thanks to all stations who managed to have a QSO with the sputnik special event Satellite station GB5OSO ,well done! I am awaiting the QSL cards to come from the printers so it may be a while before they arrive. The event went very well with 300+ QSO's in 33 DXCC countries on AO7,AO27,SO51,AO51 and VO52 ,in all 170+ stations were logged many of whome were worked on more than one Satellite and special thanks to the two stations who I worked on all 5 birds namely G1OCN and ON5NY.Also many thanks to JA0CAW and JH1EKH who were able to organise a conection via EchoLink to SO50 and AO51 whilst they were over Japan.There was also some activity on HF and wiil post the results for that later on.Regards Robert G8ATE _________________________________________________________________ Feel like a local wherever you go. http://www.backofmyhand.com
participants (1)
Robert Turlington