Hi miles- just a short response- I no longer wait to hear the astronauts calling CQ and realize the future operation will be vastly independant of the crew. Considering the almost exclusive use of simple digipeating packet for several years, I have been pushing for cross-band repeater operation to liven things up. Does the digital radio have crossband capability???
Incidentally, the radio I mentioned can be used to monitor both VHF and UHF simultaneously.
Whatever you do, please consider mostly unattended operation aside from use by the crew. I would rather be talking to fellow "space Cadets" on earth than waiting months for nothing.
Thanks, pat
On 6/4/07, MM [email protected] wrote:
Hello Patrick, Thank you very much for your comments on the Marex Project proposal. We are always interested in hearing pros and cons for all projects and welcome constructive input.
We believe in the slogan Keep It Simple (KIS). When it comes to projects we sometimes Dumb them down to make it easier for the ISS crew. Sure these guys are very smart, but they do not have time to find and read the manuals for the 50+ radio, etc on ISS.
Examples: On Mir Marex flew the Kenwood TM-D7A. This radio was used to run the SSTV project and became the primary Voice link. This and other Kenwood's have a row of Program Mode buttons (I call them function buttons). They allow you to save different modes of operation and can be very complicated. After reading the manuals several times and testing the PM buttons, we decided it would be too complicated for the crew to understand these buttons, so we disabled them. Actually I programmed all of the PM buttons to do just the same two items, Go To Channel #1 and Set Transmit Power to Low. That way if the crew hit a PM button they did not have to worry about rebooting the radio into a different configuration.
Slow Scan TV: On ISS, Silicon Pixels custom designed software just for ISS. We chose them because they had the best solution at the time for SSTV. However, there off the shelf version of software "CPIX" wold have been too complicated for the crew to understand. There were many great features that the ISS crew just would not have time to learn. The Silicon Pixels team developed a Dumbed down version of software that had just the basic features that the ISS crew would need. We tried to make it as simple as possibly by deliberately deleting features that were not needed. And we made the Buttons big so the crew could hit them easily while floating in Zero-G.
For the new Dual band Radio proposal that Marex has put forward, I wanted to again try to Keep it simple. I wanted to avoid the problems associated with a true Dual-Band radio, such as two volume controls, two squelches and a Band switch etc. The ISS crews have been having problems with figuring out a "Function Button" radio verses a Channel knob radio. I wanted to go back to 1 channel knob, 1 squelch and 1 volume control. The Icom ID-800 seems to meet most of our requirements for Keeping it Simple. Once we program the radio on the ground the ISS crew only needs to know the following controls:
Power Switch Channel Knob Volume Knob Squelch knob.
Instructions for changing frequencies, bands or Voice Modes will be as follows. Turn Channel knob to channel XYZ.
Turning on Packet will be as simple as: Turn Channel knob to channel XYZ. Push power button on TNC and look for Green LED on TNC.
Believe me, it's a lot simpler to use than what we currently have in space.
Digital Voice Modes: The ID-800 does support digital voce modes and all normal Analogue FM modes. Since our goal is to reach as many people as possible, the primary mode will be Analog FM voice. The digital modes wold most likely be used for semi-private family communications, etc.
Deliver Time Frame: This project is not approved at this time. We only have approval to continue with the Kantronics KPC-9612 Modem side the project. Back in the Old Mir days, the longest it took me to Pitch a theory to Switch on was 15 months (SSTV Mir, Pitch theory September 1997, Switch on December 1998). With ISS, it takes much longer. I am tying to use a radio that will still be in production when we go into space.
The next project proposal demonstration is tentatively planned for Moscow in Late 2007 or early 2008.
Thanks for your input and support.
--- Patrick McGrane [email protected] wrote:
Hi miles- de patrick n2oeq- nice to see you thinking of the future. I miss the MIR days. I think there was a simple kenwood dual bander on the MIR. I looked at the icom ID800 and my first impression was that it was not a simple radio and I am not interested in buying a new digital radio to work the ISS. Since there is no rush, please consider other radio models of SIMPLE design. Within the past couple of years I purchased a very easy to operate Yaesu FT8800R dual band rig capable of cross-band repeat, 9600 baud packet, and narrow FM operation to name a few. I looked at several rigs before deciding on it. Of course, it was a personal preference and others may prefer other models but I found this to be my choice for satellite work etc. I think it would be safer to consider a rig that has been around a while that has been refined in production and proven in use. Most important is that it be as simple as possible so as not to be disinteresting to the crew. Well, its all academic since it has to be approved but I'm happy to see you working on it. Thank you!!!!! Take care, pat
------- Original Message ------- From : MM[mailto:[email protected]] Sent : 6/2/2007 7:46:10 PM To : [email protected]; [email protected] Cc : Subject : RE: [amsat-bb] Re: ISS & Amateur Voice Comms
The Amateur Radio stations on board ISS have not been open to regular public access since August 2006. There have only be a few random days when the crew from ISS has been heard calling CQ since then.
If you look back in the Amsat Archives, look for message from Ken Ransom for an explanation of the issues.
The Marex team is working on proposals to replace the existing ISS ham system with a new simpler to use system. (We have found that on the Space Station Mir projects, some consumer grade ham gear seemed to only have a life span of 2-3 year in 24/7 service while orbiting in space. All of the ham gear on ISS is over 3.5 years old) The unapproved Marex proposals would be comprised of the following hardware if approved.
Icom ID-800 Dual band Kantronics KPC-9212 TNC Slow Scan TV (Off the shelf VOX box, multiple brands are currently being tested for SSTV)
Marex welcomes your support
--- Steve Raas [email protected] wrote:
Has any one been lucky enough to work the ISS on
voice as of late? I call NA1SS on every pass that Im available to and so
no dice. ( 3 days 4 or 5 passes )
Steven J. Raas
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Thomas McGrane