Clayton Coleman W5PFG wrote:
Anyone else try to send packets via FASTRAC 1 on the most recent two passes late evening over North America? I only received the CW beacon and one burst of telemetry on each of the two passes over East Texas. I did notice on the first pass that my Keplerian elements were off by a little bit but had corrected it in time for the second pass around 05:15 UTC 3-12-2011. I tried both 1200 and 9600 packet to no avail.
73 Clayton W5PFG
Shortly after I read the announcement on Thursday that FAST1 (AKA Sara Lilly) was going to be put into the Digipeat mode, I plugged it into Satpc32 and saw where I had a pass in 10 minutes for about 10 minutes. Here is what I was able to get through and copy with 1200 baud packet on that December 1 pass around 14:50 UTC. 145.825 up and 437.345 down +- Doppler...
Fm N4ZQ To APRS Via FAST1 <UI pid=F0 Len=68 >[09:50:19] =2803.56N/08246.28W`UISS-AGWPE-ORBITRON & UISS-ORB SOFTWARE {UISS52}
Fm N4ZQ To APRS Via FAST1* <UI pid=F0 Len=68 >[09:50:21] =2803.56N/08246.28W`UISS-AGWPE-ORBITRON & UISS-ORB SOFTWARE {UISS52}
Fm N4ZQ To APRS Via FAST1 <UI pid=F0 Len=68 >[09:50:33] =2803.56N/08246.28W`UISS-AGWPE-ORBITRON & UISS-ORB SOFTWARE {UISS52}
Fm N4ZQ To APRS Via FAST1* <UI pid=F0 Len=68 >[09:50:36] =2803.56N/08246.28W`UISS-AGWPE-ORBITRON & UISS-ORB SOFTWARE {UISS52}
Fm N4ZQ To APRS Via FAST1 <UI pid=F0 Len=68 >[09:50:48] =2803.56N/08246.28W`UISS-AGWPE-ORBITRON & UISS-ORB SOFTWARE {UISS52}
Fm FAST1 To KE5DTW <UA >[09:50:56] Fm FAST1 To KE5DTW <I R0 S0 pid=F0 Len=34 >[09:50:56] FAST1 Is Now Connected. GO HORNS!
Fm FAST1 To KE5DTW <I R0 S0 pid=F0 Len=34 >[09:51:01] FAST1 Is Now Connected. GO HORNS!
Fm FAST1 To KE5DTW <I R0 S1 pid=F0 Len=7 >[09:51:01] fast1>
That's all she wrote... . Haven't been able to Digi through it since. Only a few telemetry frames have been copied to date. Maybe the battery was depleted enough to cause the reset they were looking for.. To bad we couldn't swap AO-51 batteries with them...
Keith N4ZQ
participants (1)
Keith O'Brien