3 Messages to Hope-1 BBS in one Pass.

Hi All Steve Ford WB8IMY mentions at 1996 QST article (No matter how long you 've been licensed .there's nothing to compare with pure joy of accomplishment !) I succeeded to upload a 3 messages to HO-68 (HOPE-1) satellite in one pass .orbit # 246 time was 18:36 – 18:55 date 2-jan-2010 at KK65GP. Messages send to my friends Mike DK3WN Mineo JE9PEL Alan Kung and the team behind the success of XW-1 satellite A link for some photo http://picasaweb.google.com/Nader.st2nh/Hope1SatelliteBbsMessages# The upload is soooo smooth the packets frames squeezes itself between the FM phone transmition Thorough the whole pass there were many station in QSO's But the satellite hold the packet (as someone hold it breath) and when ever the channel is free it send down the frames J . . Thanks to Camsat for this wonderful Bird. Setup here ICOM 910 ,ARR preamp, homebrew X Yagi Symek tnc3s ,,ARS drive Yaesu G5500, Pc Dell 2G ram 2G Software OP XP with SP3,Wisp (unregested yet!).Nova.WinARS. http://www.st2nh.com/myequipments I miss 9600 on AO-51 at uhf with 9600 BPS http://www.st2nh.com/photos 73 Nader ST2NH www.st2nh.com
participants (1)
Nader Omer