OPDX Bulletin Nr. 1000, edited by Tedd KB8NW and hosted on my website www.papays.com/opdx.html, is reporting some good news regarding VUCC and DXCC fees etc.:
"DXCC NEWS (Awards Processing Update). The ARRL Awards-Blog page reports the following: "We are nearly done with processing all the 2010 DXCC applications. At this point we are reconciling hybrid applications and determining final disposition of applications with problems. It will take us about one more week to finish these tasks, at which time we will shut down the DXCC system so that the data for 2010 (Annual Listings and Honor Roll listings) can be tabulated. After we have the 2010 data, we will work with IT staff to incorporate the newest DXCC entities into LoTW and call for LoTW certificate requests from the PJ operations. VUCC paper applications from 2010 and the first few weeks of 2011 have been entered into the VUCC system, but not processed further. Those who submitted those applications, and have accounts in LoTW, can see that data inside their accounts. Link requests for VUCC have been processed where it was possible without manual intervention. There are approximately 60 link requests that will require further work at HQ. DXCC and VUCC fees are being evaluated. If the fees are changed (they will not be raised), the new rates will be applied to any applications received in 2011."
73, John K8YSE
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John Papay