This is believed to be the correct assimilation of satellites and keplerian data but your ideas are welcome if you know different.
OBJECT B 1 35866U 09049B 09268.81543336 +.00000178 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00124 2 35866 098.8005 318.9799 0004138 058.5223 301.6358 14.22295962001152 FREGAT/IRIS 1 35867U 09049C 09268.74538420 +.00002263 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00212 2 35867 097.3734 318.6711 0008878 261.5428 098.4699 15.22710402001224 OBJECT D 1 35868U 09049D 09268.67591709 +.00000177 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00115 2 35868 098.8000 318.8342 0005055 046.7677 313.3922 14.22084680001131 OBJECT E 1 35869U 09049E 09268.67650979 +.00000176 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00110 2 35869 098.7994 318.8303 0005357 059.0277 301.1426 14.21977871001134 SUMBANDILA 1 35870U 09049F 09270.20616178 .00002270 00000-0 10000-3 0 204 2 35870 097.3742 320.0972 0009944 262.6951 182.7760 15.22803372 1440 BLITS 1 35871U 09049G 09268.81897891 +.00000174 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00078 2 35871 098.8007 318.9711 0004315 057.6044 302.5550 14.21536047000549 OCEANSAT 2 1 35931U 09051A 09270.02817502 .00005982 00000-0 15388-2 0 81 2 35931 098.3363 004.6997 0001110 235.0578 121.6696 14.50500283 541 SWISSCUBE 1 35932U 09051B 09268.85574039 +.00005218 +00000-0 +12986-2 0 00066 2 35932 098.3371 003.5431 0006954 278.9858 081.0464 14.52113471000385 BEESAT 1 35933U 09051C 09268.85474484 +.00007796 +00000-0 +19109-2 0 00089 2 35933 098.3344 003.5409 0004613 299.5176 060.5543 14.52686161000384 ITUPSAT-1 1 35934U 09051D 09269.68120117 .00003302 00000-0 81574-3 0 66 2 35934 098.3288 004.3565 0005573 295.8442 064.2169 14.52717731 502 UWE-2 1 35935U 09051E 09269.75149288 .00001930 00000-0 48744-3 0 62 2 35935 098.3414 004.4366 0007021 277.0543 082.9840 14.52119405 505 RUBIN 9.1/RUBIN 9.2/PSLV 1 35936U 09051F 09269.70901186 .00006760 00000-0 20799-2 0 66 2 35936 098.2920 004.2619 0055380 210.1601 149.6373 14.40927505 495

I would suggest OBJECT D for TATIANA-2 (RS-28).
See here: http://www.dk3wn.info/p/?p=8471
73, Mike
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF Gesendet: Sonntag, 27. September 2009 13:45 An: Amsat-BB Betreff: [amsat-bb] keps
This is believed to be the correct assimilation of satellites and keplerian data but your ideas are welcome if you know different.
OBJECT B 1 35866U 09049B 09268.81543336 +.00000178 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00124 2 35866 098.8005 318.9799 0004138 058.5223 301.6358 14.22295962001152 FREGAT/IRIS 1 35867U 09049C 09268.74538420 +.00002263 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00212 2 35867 097.3734 318.6711 0008878 261.5428 098.4699 15.22710402001224 OBJECT D 1 35868U 09049D 09268.67591709 +.00000177 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00115 2 35868 098.8000 318.8342 0005055 046.7677 313.3922 14.22084680001131 OBJECT E 1 35869U 09049E 09268.67650979 +.00000176 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00110 2 35869 098.7994 318.8303 0005357 059.0277 301.1426 14.21977871001134 SUMBANDILA 1 35870U 09049F 09270.20616178 .00002270 00000-0 10000-3 0 204 2 35870 097.3742 320.0972 0009944 262.6951 182.7760 15.22803372 1440 BLITS 1 35871U 09049G 09268.81897891 +.00000174 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00078 2 35871 098.8007 318.9711 0004315 057.6044 302.5550 14.21536047000549 OCEANSAT 2 1 35931U 09051A 09270.02817502 .00005982 00000-0 15388-2 0 81 2 35931 098.3363 004.6997 0001110 235.0578 121.6696 14.50500283 541 SWISSCUBE 1 35932U 09051B 09268.85574039 +.00005218 +00000-0 +12986-2 0 00066 2 35932 098.3371 003.5431 0006954 278.9858 081.0464 14.52113471000385 BEESAT 1 35933U 09051C 09268.85474484 +.00007796 +00000-0 +19109-2 0 00089 2 35933 098.3344 003.5409 0004613 299.5176 060.5543 14.52686161000384 ITUPSAT-1 1 35934U 09051D 09269.68120117 .00003302 00000-0 81574-3 0 66 2 35934 098.3288 004.3565 0005573 295.8442 064.2169 14.52717731 502 UWE-2 1 35935U 09051E 09269.75149288 .00001930 00000-0 48744-3 0 62 2 35935 098.3414 004.4366 0007021 277.0543 082.9840 14.52119405 505 RUBIN 9.1/RUBIN 9.2/PSLV 1 35936U 09051F 09269.70901186 .00006760 00000-0 20799-2 0 66 2 35936 098.2920 004.2619 0055380 210.1601 149.6373 14.40927505 495

Thanks Mike
Mike Rupprecht wrote:
I would suggest OBJECT D for TATIANA-2 (RS-28).
See here: http://www.dk3wn.info/p/?p=8471
73, Mike
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Im Auftrag von Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF Gesendet: Sonntag, 27. September 2009 13:45 An: Amsat-BB Betreff: [amsat-bb] keps
This is believed to be the correct assimilation of satellites and keplerian data but your ideas are welcome if you know different.
OBJECT B 1 35866U 09049B 09268.81543336 +.00000178 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00124 2 35866 098.8005 318.9799 0004138 058.5223 301.6358 14.22295962001152 FREGAT/IRIS 1 35867U 09049C 09268.74538420 +.00002263 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00212 2 35867 097.3734 318.6711 0008878 261.5428 098.4699 15.22710402001224 OBJECT D 1 35868U 09049D 09268.67591709 +.00000177 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00115 2 35868 098.8000 318.8342 0005055 046.7677 313.3922 14.22084680001131 OBJECT E 1 35869U 09049E 09268.67650979 +.00000176 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00110 2 35869 098.7994 318.8303 0005357 059.0277 301.1426 14.21977871001134 SUMBANDILA 1 35870U 09049F 09270.20616178 .00002270 00000-0 10000-3 0 204 2 35870 097.3742 320.0972 0009944 262.6951 182.7760 15.22803372 1440 BLITS 1 35871U 09049G 09268.81897891 +.00000174 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00078 2 35871 098.8007 318.9711 0004315 057.6044 302.5550 14.21536047000549 OCEANSAT 2 1 35931U 09051A 09270.02817502 .00005982 00000-0 15388-2 0 81 2 35931 098.3363 004.6997 0001110 235.0578 121.6696 14.50500283 541 SWISSCUBE 1 35932U 09051B 09268.85574039 +.00005218 +00000-0 +12986-2 0 00066 2 35932 098.3371 003.5431 0006954 278.9858 081.0464 14.52113471000385 BEESAT 1 35933U 09051C 09268.85474484 +.00007796 +00000-0 +19109-2 0 00089 2 35933 098.3344 003.5409 0004613 299.5176 060.5543 14.52686161000384 ITUPSAT-1 1 35934U 09051D 09269.68120117 .00003302 00000-0 81574-3 0 66 2 35934 098.3288 004.3565 0005573 295.8442 064.2169 14.52717731 502 UWE-2 1 35935U 09051E 09269.75149288 .00001930 00000-0 48744-3 0 62 2 35935 098.3414 004.4366 0007021 277.0543 082.9840 14.52119405 505 RUBIN 9.1/RUBIN 9.2/PSLV 1 35936U 09051F 09269.70901186 .00006760 00000-0 20799-2 0 66 2 35936 098.2920 004.2619 0055380 210.1601 149.6373 14.40927505 495
No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2397 - Release Date: 09/26/09 17:51:00

OBJECT B 1 35866U 09049B 09269.72996406 +.00000178 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00125 2 35866 098.8007 319.8923 0004089 055.3536 304.8008 14.22296028001285 FREGAT/IRIS 1 35867U 09049C 09269.73110771 +.00002263 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00228 2 35867 097.3725 319.6376 0008863 258.6612 101.3447 15.22710841001376 TATIANA-2 (RS-28) 1 35868U 09049D 09269.80165911 +.00000177 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00113 2 35868 098.7998 319.9570 0005066 042.4864 317.6631 14.22084863001298 OBJECT E 1 35869U 09049E 09269.80233640 +.00000176 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00118 2 35869 098.7991 319.9531 0005530 052.2194 307.9359 14.21977906001297 SUMBANDILA 1 35870U 09049F 09269.95037156 +.00002270 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00207 2 35870 097.3737 319.8460 0009848 263.9725 220.1494 15.22803793001402 BLITS 1 35871U 09049G 09269.73399688 +.00000174 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00071 2 35871 098.8005 319.8831 0004307 054.6872 305.4704 14.21536552000675 OCEANSAT 2 1 35931U 09051A 09270.02817502 .00005982 00000-0 15388-2 0 81 2 35931 098.3363 004.6997 0001110 235.0578 121.6696 14.50500283 541 SWISSCUBE 1 35932U 09051B 09269.75151502 +.00005219 +00000-0 +12986-2 0 00074 2 35932 098.3367 004.4323 0007042 275.0402 084.9893 14.52119461000510 UWE-2 1 35933U 09051C 09269.75016994 +.00007797 +00000-0 +19109-2 0 00088 2 35933 098.3342 004.4307 0004574 288.0186 072.0499 14.52693268000518 BEESAT 1 35934U 09051D 09269.68120117 .00003302 00000-0 81574-3 0 66 2 35934 098.3288 004.3565 0005573 295.8442 064.2169 14.52717731 502 ITUPSAT-1 1 35935U 09051E 09269.75149288 .00001930 00000-0 48744-3 0 62 2 35935 098.3414 004.4366 0007021 277.0543 082.9840 14.52119405 505 RUBIN 9.1/RUBIN 9.2/PSLV 1 35936U 09051F 09269.70901186 .00006760 00000-0 20799-2 0 66 2 35936 098.2920 004.2619 0055380 210.1601 149.6373 14.40927505 495
Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF wrote:
This is believed to be the correct assimilation of satellites and keplerian data but your ideas are welcome if you know different.
OBJECT B 1 35866U 09049B 09268.81543336 +.00000178 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00124 2 35866 098.8005 318.9799 0004138 058.5223 301.6358 14.22295962001152 FREGAT/IRIS 1 35867U 09049C 09268.74538420 +.00002263 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00212 2 35867 097.3734 318.6711 0008878 261.5428 098.4699 15.22710402001224 OBJECT D 1 35868U 09049D 09268.67591709 +.00000177 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00115 2 35868 098.8000 318.8342 0005055 046.7677 313.3922 14.22084680001131 OBJECT E 1 35869U 09049E 09268.67650979 +.00000176 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00110 2 35869 098.7994 318.8303 0005357 059.0277 301.1426 14.21977871001134 SUMBANDILA 1 35870U 09049F 09270.20616178 .00002270 00000-0 10000-3 0 204 2 35870 097.3742 320.0972 0009944 262.6951 182.7760 15.22803372 1440 BLITS 1 35871U 09049G 09268.81897891 +.00000174 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00078 2 35871 098.8007 318.9711 0004315 057.6044 302.5550 14.21536047000549 OCEANSAT 2 1 35931U 09051A 09270.02817502 .00005982 00000-0 15388-2 0 81 2 35931 098.3363 004.6997 0001110 235.0578 121.6696 14.50500283 541 SWISSCUBE 1 35932U 09051B 09268.85574039 +.00005218 +00000-0 +12986-2 0 00066 2 35932 098.3371 003.5431 0006954 278.9858 081.0464 14.52113471000385 BEESAT 1 35933U 09051C 09268.85474484 +.00007796 +00000-0 +19109-2 0 00089 2 35933 098.3344 003.5409 0004613 299.5176 060.5543 14.52686161000384 ITUPSAT-1 1 35934U 09051D 09269.68120117 .00003302 00000-0 81574-3 0 66 2 35934 098.3288 004.3565 0005573 295.8442 064.2169 14.52717731 502 UWE-2 1 35935U 09051E 09269.75149288 .00001930 00000-0 48744-3 0 62 2 35935 098.3414 004.4366 0007021 277.0543 082.9840 14.52119405 505 RUBIN 9.1/RUBIN 9.2/PSLV 1 35936U 09051F 09269.70901186 .00006760 00000-0 20799-2 0 66 2 35936 098.2920 004.2619 0055380 210.1601 149.6373 14.40927505 495
No virus found in this incoming message. Checked by AVG - www.avg.com Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2397 - Release Date: 09/26/09 17:51:00

ANDE POLLUX SPHERE 1 35693U 09038E 09270.75161923 .00024150 00000-0 11738-3 0 589 2 35693 051.6396 136.9854 0002884 219.5067 140.5754 15.82296457 9347 ANDE CASTOR SPHERE 1 35694U 09038F 09271.09002049 .00012500 00000-0 65843-4 0 562 2 35694 051.6405 135.5071 0003090 230.6994 129.3762 15.81148215 9394 TATIANA-2 (RS-28) 1 35868U 09049D 09269.80165911 +.00000177 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00113 2 35868 098.7998 319.9570 0005066 042.4864 317.6631 14.22084863001298 SUMBANDILA 1 35870U 09049F 09271.12594053 .00002270 00000-0 10000-3 0 236 2 35870 097.3722 320.9996 0010180 259.0098 185.4894 15.22803326 1581 SWISSCUBE 1 35932U 09051B 09269.75151502 +.00005219 +00000-0 +12986-2 0 00074 2 35932 098.3367 004.4323 0007042 275.0402 084.9893 14.52119461000510 UWE-2 1 35933U 09051C 09269.75016994 +.00007797 +00000-0 +19109-2 0 00088 2 35933 098.3342 004.4307 0004574 288.0186 072.0499 14.52693268000518 BEESAT 1 35934U 09051D 09270.71435912 .00003303 00000-0 81574-3 0 76 2 35934 098.3277 005.3821 0005951 295.3450 064.7052 14.52721073 656 ITUpSAT1 1 35935U 09051E 09271.19850776 .00001930 00000-0 48744-3 0 75 2 35935 098.3396 005.8711 0007236 274.7355 085.3039 14.52122969 715

ANDE POLLUX SPHERE 1 35693U 09038E 09272.07786834 .00026296 00000-0 12701-3 0 607 2 35693 051.6396 130.0905 0002929 226.1980 133.9048 15.82375015 9550 ANDE CASTOR SPHERE 1 35694U 09038F 09271.78524115 +.00013148 +00000-0 +68995-4 0 00583 2 35694 051.6401 131.8990 0003222 234.9931 125.0979 15.81170401009502 TATIANA-2 1 35868U 09049D 09271.70135154 +.00000177 +00000-0 +10000-3 0 00122 2 35868 098.7996 321.8520 0005057 037.1753 322.9744 14.22085251001567 SUMBANDILA 1 35870U 09049F 09272.65231307 .00002270 00000-0 10000-3 0 280 2 35870 097.3719 322.4965 0010437 250.3131 276.4743 15.22804765 1815 SWISSCUBE 1 35932U 09051B 09271.26743768 .00005220 00000-0 12986-2 0 87 2 35932 098.3360 005.9355 0007470 273.3009 086.7290 14.52130158 723 UWE-2 1 35933U 09051C 09267.47716549 .00007794 00000-0 19109-2 0 52 2 35933 098.3322 002.1694 0004782 305.6512 054.4273 14.52673013 172 BEESAT 1 35934U 09051D 09272.29853116 .00003303 00000-0 81574-3 0 93 2 35934 098.3290 006.9551 0005760 295.5567 064.4519 14.52723449 886 ITUpSAT1 1 35935U 09051E 09271.33631748 +.00001930 +00000-0 +48744-3 0 00088 2 35935 098.3395 006.0079 0007514 275.9164 084.1069 14.52122668000743
participants (2)
Mike Rupprecht
Nigel Gunn G8IFF/W8IFF