Busy weekend for Cuba's satellite group

Hello all,
This is going to be a busy weekend for Cuba's recently founded "Grupo de Radioaficionados para Operaciones Satelitales" (GROS). Three diferent activities had been schedule so far.
* Friday night (20:30 EDT), Hector CO6CBF will be hosting a talk about amateur radio satellite on Pico San Juan 2m repeater (145.130). The topics will include: - The GROS presentation in the province. - Brief history of amateur radio satellites. - Current operational satellites. - Future projects. - Types of satellites and its transmissions methods. - Amateur radio recieving stations requirements and homebrew solutions. - Operating practices. - Amateur Radio Satellite operations in Cuba. - Special Guest: Arnaldo Coro, CO2KK, Cuba's second ham in perform a satellite QSO and Cuba's first in conduct a EME QSO.
* Saturday morning (10:00 EDT) at Camagüey, Pavel CO7WT will be hosting a talk at Camagüey City Amateur Radio Club. The topics will include: - The GROS presentation in the province. - Brief history of amateur radio satellites and its operators. - Basics of orbital mechanics. - Operation methods. - Technical requirements for set up a APRS/Beacon Packet station using the ISS digipeater. - Amateur Radio Satellite Fleet Status. - Related examples.
* Saturday morning at Havana (10:00 EDT) in Cuba's National Amateur Radio Federation (FRC). Raydel CM2ESP will be hosting the Official Presentation of the recently founded Group. The topics will include: - Origin and background of the Group. - Working profile and prospects. - Brief abstract about the Group's Rules. - Current Board of Directors. - Schedule of future activities and meetings. - Questions and Answers Session.
All three events are jointly coordinated between GROS's members and each province radio club. The events will be also in commemoration of the first human manned spaceflight by Yuri Gagarin the April 12, 1961, the inaugural launch of NASA’s Space Shuttle on the same day of 1981 and the celebration of the 87th Anniversary of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union, IARU, the April 18, 1961.
Unfortunately in both saturday's activities we will not be able to perform a satellite demostration because ISS and AO-27 passes are too late and SO-50 is too early instead. We are right know working on more activities coordinations for the next week.
Raydel, CM2ESP Este mensaje ha sido enviado mediante el servicio de correo electronico que ofrece la Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba a sus miembros para respaldar el cumplimiento de los objetivos de la organizacion y su politica informativa. La persona que envia este correo asume el compromiso de usar el servicio a tales fines y cumplir con las regulaciones establecidas.
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Raidel Abreu Espinet