Solar Impulse: Dallas to St. Louis in flight!

Solar Powered flight is underway from Dallas to St. Louis. See the flight.
We need APRS operators in RF range to help maintain an OBJECT track on the bird so that not just those in front of a PC can see this, but also those hams in their APRS mobiles who will see the location of the bird and maybe be able to see it.
Imagine an airplane the wingspan of a Jumbo jet that weighs less than a car.
So, help out your fellow ham and do what APRS was designed to do… provide INFO in the field to mobile operators. Please use the object name SOLAR1 so that subsequent updates will replace older positions. Those with APRS radios will see SOLAR1 on their GPS maps and the radio will show distance and bearing so they will know where to look.
Bob, WB4aPR

A fellow ham and myself will be activating a farely rare grid of EL59 this weekend for the VHF Contact on 6 meters. I was wondering if there is any interest in activating this grid for satellite? I would not mind bringing the gear out if there is an interest for the grid. If I get enough replies, I will bring the sat stuff with me.
participants (2)
Angelo Glorioso
Robert Bruninga