YES !! RS-15 is alive !
Reading a recent report on AMSAT-BB from Gary deMunbrun WA4RKS about RS-15, move me to try. Tks Gary!
I tried on several passes, I always heard the intermitent carrier at 29.352, but no repeat of my uplink, trying either on official 145.858-98 or on suggested 145.958-98.
All of tries were made with RS-15 on her night. But today I gave her another try. This time RS-15 was sunlight on a pass that lasted 20 minutes on Sept-28 00:24 to 00:43 LU Time. I could uplink first CW and after SSB and hear it back !!!!, despicte the fact that I'm only using 25 W from FT-736 on 2mts and a 2m turnstile !!
Frequencies I operate where: Uplink 145.875 , downlink 29.374 with good signal return about s3.
Unfortunately no one to try a QSO. RS-15 is amazing, with 2000 Km height, passes can last up to half an hour ! even earth coverage is quite broad !
So, looks that we have had a new child reborn, coming back to life from over ten years ago.
You can find on http://www.amsat.org.ar RS-15 passes precalculated for your location and on your time, for a quick RS-15 .
73, Pedro LU7ABF [email protected]

Hi Pedro, LU7ABF
To day september 28 orbit 48419 RS-15 was in full sunlight on a pass from 13:00 to 13:31 UTC with a max elevation for me of about 75° and a minimum range of 2100 km.
The intermittent carrier of the beacon at 29.352 MHz went ON very strong at elevation of about 10° receiving with my 10 meter turnstile.
With 100 watt in to a 7+7 element crossed yagi and uplinking in the listed passband 145.858 -145.898 MHz nothing was heard in the downlink between 29.354 to 29.394 MHz except my own barely audible signal in the noise originated by a unwanted mixing product between my TX/RX and infact I was receiving USB in 10 meters but to be detectable I had to transmit LSB and not USB as requested by the RS-15 non inverting transponder.
In addition no doppler was observed in my own signal that was audible as well when RS-15 was not in range.
In conclusion the carrier of the beacon was ON and intermittent and was strong with the nominal doppler shift but the transponder over Europe was not operational even in full sunlight.
Is alive RS-15 or not ?
73" de
i8CVS Domenico
----- Original Message ----- From: "lu7abf" [email protected] To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 6:01 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] YES !! RS-15 is alive !
YES !! RS-15 is alive !
Reading a recent report on AMSAT-BB from Gary deMunbrun WA4RKS about
RS-15, move me to try. Tks Gary!
I tried on several passes, I always heard the intermitent carrier at
29.352, but no repeat of my uplink, trying either on official 145.858-98 or on suggested 145.958-98.
All of tries were made with RS-15 on her night. But today I gave her
another try. This time RS-15 was sunlight on a pass that lasted 20 minutes on Sept-28 00:24 to 00:43 LU Time. I could uplink first CW and after SSB and hear it back !!!!, despicte the fact that I'm only using 25 W from FT-736 on 2mts and a 2m turnstile !!
Frequencies I operate where: Uplink 145.875 , downlink 29.374 with good
signal return about s3.
Unfortunately no one to try a QSO. RS-15 is amazing, with 2000 Km height,
passes can last up to half an hour ! even earth coverage is quite broad !
So, looks that we have had a new child reborn, coming back to life from
over ten years ago.
You can find on http://www.amsat.org.ar RS-15 passes precalculated for
your location and on your time, for a quick RS-15 .
73, Pedro LU7ABF [email protected]

Hi Pedro & Group,
Sorry, but I'm a little-bit distrustful with these "Good News". Last 2 weeks I'm monitoring RS-15 and I tryed several times (always in Sunlight), by using all possible Uplink frequencies (145.858-898 & 958-998) without success. A few mins ago I tryed also (after your Email, orbit #48419). A big ZERO once again!
RS-15's beacon usually is booming on my receiver and I'm thinking that Beacon's output Power is just 0.4 - 1.2 Watts, so the downlink signal should be "super" with 5 W (max) output of Linear Transponder downlink. Unfortunately that did not happen. Never ! I remember my efforts at early '95, when this bird was new and just 3-4 times I had heard my downlink signal very weak, with extremely strong QSB and as I know that was common for all users.
Yesterday, looking for RS-15 reports around Internet I found very interesting the following page, where Mike, KF4FDJ reports succesfull QSOs with 4 other stations (end February 2004).
So we can't talking for RS-15 "reborn", it was always out there operational but definitely it is not an "easy Bird".
( The above page is also very informative about the difficulties of RS-15 & relationship between Beacon - Transponder's activation.)
Several days ago Gary wrote about 100 KHz Uplink-frequency "jumping" Up, but that is not confirmed now from you dr Pedro. If used 145.875 KHz for your uplink , we have another scenario which says that, the frequency did not "jump" but it's stable. Strange.
Well, I'm a little-bit confused with all.. I would like of course to have another Bird in good shape, but have we? or it was just a random (& lucky) operation of RS-15, like a flashback and in practice its an unreliable, non useful bird for the most Hams?
I wonder... (but I've my fingers crossed & I wish you have right !)
73, Mak SV1BSX
PS: BTW you wrote about 25 W Uplink power. What is your EIRP?
----- Original Message ----- From: lu7abf To: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 7:01 AM Subject: [amsat-bb] YES !! RS-15 is alive !
YES !! RS-15 is alive !
Reading a recent report on AMSAT-BB from Gary deMunbrun WA4RKS about RS-15, move me to try. Tks Gary!
I tried on several passes, I always heard the intermitent carrier at 29.352, but no repeat of my uplink, trying either on official 145.858-98 or on suggested 145.958-98.
All of tries were made with RS-15 on her night. But today I gave her another try. This time RS-15 was sunlight on a pass that lasted 20 minutes on Sept-28 00:24 to 00:43 LU Time. I could uplink first CW and after SSB and hear it back !!!!, despicte the fact that I'm only using 25 W from FT-736 on 2mts and a 2m turnstile !!
Frequencies I operate where: Uplink 145.875 , downlink 29.374 with good signal return about s3.
Unfortunately no one to try a QSO. RS-15 is amazing, with 2000 Km height, passes can last up to half an hour ! even earth coverage is quite broad !
So, looks that we have had a new child reborn, coming back to life from over ten years ago.
You can find on http://www.amsat.org.ar RS-15 passes precalculated for your location and on your time, for a quick RS-15 .
73, Pedro LU7ABF [email protected] _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. Opinions expressed are those of the author. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb
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