DireWolf config file question
I'm trying to set up the config file in Direwolf. The radio is a Yaesu FT290RII and the interface is a Signalink USB. The Direwolf manual says this about setting up the PTT configuration:
# If not using a VOX circuit, the transmitter Push to Talk (PTT)
# control is usually wired to a serial port with a suitable interface circuit.
# DON'T connect it directly!
# For the PTT command, specify the device and either RTS or DTR.
# RTS or DTR may be preceded by "-" to invert the signal.
#PTT /dev/ttyUSB0 RTS
Unfortunately, I don't know what that means. Anybody know which one I should use? Any hints, tips, suggestions would be much appreciated.
Steve Kristoff AI9IN EM79ji Oldenburg IN [email protected]
Hi Steve
If you use windows you must identify the correct COM port of the Signalink USB (let's say COM5) and then try first with RTS and if not with DTR
If you use linux you must identify the correct tty (try in console: "tail -f /var/log/syslog" and watch it's output mean you plug your device) let's asume /dev/ttyUSB0
PTT /dev/ttyUSB0 RTS
PTT /dev/ttyUSB0 DTR
In any case if you nail the correct (RTS or DTR) but his polarity is inverted (TX when RX or vice versa) you have to put a minus sign before the signal to swap his action (-RTS or -DTR)
My 5 cents, CO7WT
BTW, what version of direwolf are you using?
The official 1.1 version has a known PTT delay issue, John and David are working on the next release, give a try to the next release snapshot
Windows: http://home.comcast.net/~wb2osz/Version%201.2/direwolf-1.2-dev-B-win.zip
Linux: http://home.comcast.net/~wb2osz/Version%201.2/direwolf-1.2-dev-B-src.zip
This release has a few bugfixes including the PTT delay calculation and a improved user guide, plus PTT vía LPT (Parallel port) only in linux by the moment.
El 05/04/15 a las 22:20, Steve Kristoff escribió:
#PTT /dev/ttyUSB0 RTS
Unfortunately, I don't know what that means. Anybody know which one I should use? Any hints, tips, suggestions would be much appreciated.
Steve Kristoff AI9IN EM79ji Oldenburg IN [email protected]
participants (2)
Pavel Milanes Costa
Steve Kristoff