The 2015 Palm Springs Hamfest will once again be held at the beautiful Palm Springs Pavilion, near the Palm Springs Baseball Stadium, Saturday, March 14 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
This year’s hamfest will offer a VE testing session before the opening of the regular event.
Admission: Still just $5 - with free parking available. Where else can you get a day’s worth of entertainment for that?
Forums include ...
• Keynote by Gordon West • Andre Hansen presents on Broadband Hamnet • Dennis Kidder ("Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio") will talk about Maker Faire • Clint Bradford will present “How to Work the Amateur Satellites with your HT” • Bob Brehm, Chief Engineer at Palomar Engineers will present on curing RFI, working more DX and keeping your neighbors happy
Visit the event's Web site at ...
participants (1)
Clint Bradford