Hi all, Pleased to report that UO-11 was active and quite strong on the North/South pass from my QTH in Wales here in the UK. Approx. 0958 hrs GMT. 31st December 2010. I have not monitored A0 -7 as yet today ( it was active yesterday) but is nice to see these old birds seeing out yet another year along with those much younger in this new world of technology advances.. Just a point to the many enquiries about working satellites -You do not need high power or high gain antennas to enjoy the hobby - I have used both my Arrow and Elk antennas for many contacts and still get good reports. Wishing you all a "HAPPY NEW YEAR and GOOD LUCK" for 2011. A big thanks to all that support their time and effort as well as donations to make the hobby worhwhile. Ken Eaton GW1FKY Amsat - UK Amsat NA
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