Good morning
This saturday the 6th I will be leaving on a trip to Yellowstone national park at 6utc. I will be head north to i90 then pretty much west over to the park. Hopefully by saturday evening about 3 utc sunday will be in Cody Wyoming for the night.
Then for the whole week I will be going around the park and putting on grids as I have time. Ill try to do as many grids as I can but this isn't a grid trip so no promises. For the return trip I live leave out of the park to the south and catch i80 east.
While mobile I will be able to operate fo29 vo52 and so50. I can try ao7 but I have never had luck getting in to ao7 from the mobile. When stationary I will be able to work ao7 with out a problem along with the other three sats.
If you want more info on which grids I will be in and when just reply to this email and let me know. I can send updates on my progress of the trip but won't annoy the bb with such info. Also if there are any specific requests for grids I might be close to or going through I can try to activate those as well. Again just send me an email.
I will be traveling through plenty of grids that I am sure some of you grid chasers need so keep an ear open throughout the week and I hope to give out some new grids.
Wyatt AC0RA
participants (1)