Fwd: [PNWVHFS] Re: For Sale: Icom VHF and UHF all-mode rigs, IC-271A, IC-471H, IC-1271A, misc

This came from a local group. The 1271 may of particular interest. 73 Bob W7LRD ----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Jeffrey Benedict" [email protected] To: "darin arrick" [email protected] Cc: "pnwvhfs" [email protected] Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2016 9:41:03 PM Subject: Re: [PNWVHFS] Re: For Sale: Icom VHF and UHF all-mode rigs, IC-271A, IC-471H, IC-1271A, misc
What kind of price are you looking for each of these? It’s nice to know where to start with an offer.
On May 26, 2016, at 9:15 PM, Darin Arrick [email protected] wrote:
I should have also added that the 271A and 1271A both have 110V internal power supplies; that's how they are both powered right now. The 471H takes an external 12VDC supply (I have a couple of Astron RS-20 power supplies I could sell, as well).
On Thursday, May 26, 2016 at 4:54:21 PM UTC-7, Darin Arrick wrote: I'm between jobs at the moment and I may need to drum up some funds. So some of my radios may have to go. All are in clean, working condition unless otherwise specified. All are currently connected to an antenna and can be demoed or we can set up a QSO. I've talked with a few of you using these rigs already. :) These are older radios (mid-'80s), but are well-known for being very good rigs.
IC-271A - 2m all-mode. All functions work fine. I've made SSB, FM, and digital contacts with this rig. So far as I can tell, it has no problems. It does have its original RAM board, and the battery voltage tested fine; I'd suggest replacing it as a matter of course, though, whenever you get around to it.
IC-471H - 440 all-mode. Everything works fine, with two exceptions. First, it seems to put out half power (about 35W); maybe one of the two final transistors is blown. Two, I think it has a loose wire going to the internal speaker; headphones work perfectly (looking at the schematic, I can see which connection may be loose, but I've not tried to fix it yet). I've upgraded this unit with a new RAM board (cost: $60).
IC-1271A - 1.2GHz all-mode. I don't have an antenna up for 23cm, but I've used my 440 horizontal loop for low-power testing. I was able to have a QSO on a local repeater with no problems. I do not have an SWR/power meter for this band, either, so I can't verify output. It seems to work fine based on the little use I've given it.
--- Jeffrey Benedict - [email protected] - Port Ludlow, WA USA 1976 R90/6 — 1977 Yamadog XS650 — KB7AIL
participants (1)
Bob- W7LRD