Re: [amsat-bb] AO-91/92/85 DUV Decode Sovled

Great discovery, Hasan. Nice work. That is much better copy than I would expect from that antenna system.
Mark N8MH
At 11:11 AM 10/5/2018 -0500, Hasan al-Basri wrote:
Thanks to all of you and the last magic bullet from Terry, ZL2BAC.
Setup: 2m EggBeater at 7', 80' 9913 coax AirSpy HF+, SDR-Console V3.03 FoxTelem 1.06r patched VBAudio from SDRC > Decoder
Checked L/R audio, not an issue for me, as I was getting audio in both channels. I unchecked Left Audio, to be safe. (FoxTelem)
Symptom: Could not decode DUV telemetry, did not see Eye fully open, always smeared, and no squared off peaks in the freq display of FoxTelem.
- Not only is there a high pass filter in the Narrow FM setting of SDRC
V3, but *there is a second HiPass* in :
Receive > Options > Equalizer the bottom right hand corner, two check boxes, Equalizer and 25 Hz filter. They were checked since install, I had never looked at the Equalizer in all these months of use.
Summary Settings That Work:
SDRC: NFM, 12 kHz Audio Output Slider 60% CABLE Input (VB-Audio Virtual Cable) Narrow FM: Highpas OFF Receive > Options > Equalizer OFF, HPF OFF
FoxTelem Settings: (Aside from my location/call/etc)
Input Screen: DUV (not Auto) Input: CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable) View Filtered Audio Raised Cosine Cutoff Freq: 200 Hz Filter Length: 512
Settings Screen: All Defaults, except:
FoxTelem Calculates Position Auto Start Decoder when above horizon
Decoder Options: Upload to Server Track Doppler (probably not needed as SDRC is doing this and I'm not using FunCube) Store Payloads Fix Dropped Bits use Long PRM
Debug Options: Use Native File Chooser =================================
My one remaining question:
At the finish of this 15 deg pass, I got 53 Frames, 57 Payloads, and Queued: 53
When does the queued data get uploaded? It's been half an hour and nothing has happened and I'm not showing up as a ground station.
Signals were far from outstanding, so I wouldn't say it is hard to get TLM copied. 15 deg EL on an Eggbeater only 7' off the ground is not a great pass. Lots of fades, lots of noise much of the time.
Thanks to all for help. Now I can make a habit og grabbing TLM.
73 N0AN
Hasan _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings:
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Mark L. Hammond