WD9EWK from DM52/DM53, Friday (30 April)

On my way (sort of) to the hamfest in Sierra Vista AZ on Saturday (1 May), I will make a detour to the DM52/DM53 grid boundary in Graham County AZ northwest of Safford on Friday (30 April) afternoon. I stopped in this area twice around this time last year, and I don't think anyone else has been on from DM53 since then. I am planning to stop there for the AO-27 passes around 2003 and 2144 UTC Friday, and - depending on the view of the eastern sky - I might attempt the AO-51 pass at 2214 UTC. The 2214 UTC AO-51 pass has a maximum elevation of 5 degrees at that location, so I may only have a few minutes during that pass if I can hear the satellite at all.
After these passes, I will move south and stop somewhere in DM52 for the AO-51 pass at 2348 UTC. Depending on how things go on Friday, I could either return to the DM51/DM52 boundary where I stopped a few weeks ago, or possibly head to the Arizona/New Mexico state line (grid DM52lf) where I worked from last October. Since I will be up and on the air from the hamfest in Sierra Vista early Saturday morning, I do not plan on working anything else after these passes on Friday.
As always, if you work me on Friday, there's no need to send me a QSL card. Just e-mail me the QSO details, and - if you're in the log - I will gladly send out a QSL card.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/
participants (1)