ANS-108 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins

AMSAT NEWS SERVICE ANS-108 The AMSAT News Service bulletins are a free, weekly news and infor- mation service of AMSAT North America, The Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation. ANS publishes news related to Amateur Radio in Space including reports on the activities of a worldwide group of Amateur Radio operators who share an active interest in designing, building, launching and communicating through analog and digital Amateur Radio satellites.
The news feed on publishes news of Amateur Radio in Space as soon as our volunteers can post it.
Please send any amateur satellite news or reports to: ans-editor at
In this edition:
* New AO-85 Distance Record Claimed * First-Ever D-STAR Satellite to Launch * TAPR Digital Forum Schedule at Dayton Hamvention, Friday, 5/20 * Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T, Named as IARU Satellite Adviser * Contest - Catch the signal of e-st@r-II CubeSat * Satellite DX Operation * ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference * ULA University CubeSat Competition * AMSAT Events * ARISS News * Satellite Shorts From All Over
SB SAT @ AMSAT $ANS-108.01 ANS-108 AMSAT News Service Weekly Bulletins
AMSAT News Service Bulletin 108.01
DATE April 17, 2016 To All RADIO AMATEURS BID: $ANS-108.01
New AO-85 Distance Record Claimed
5,751 km is the new claimed distance record for a QSO on AO-85. Betrand Demarcq, FG8OJ, in Saint-Francois, Guadeloupe (FK96ig) worked Jose Elias Diaz Rodriguez, EB1FVQ, in Vigo, Spain (IN52pe) at 19:15 UTC on April 14, 2016. A recording of the QSO is available here:
The AMSAT Satellite Distance Records page is located at New record claims may be sent to [email protected].
[ANS thanks AMSAT-NA and Paul, N8HM for the above information]
First-Ever D-STAR Satellite to Launch
The first-ever satellite to carry a D-STAR (Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio) Amateur Radio payload into space is expected to launch on April 22 from Guiana. The OUFTI-1 (Orbital Utility For Telecommunication Innovations) CubeSat is one of three CubeSats developed by student teams under the European Space Agency (ESA) Education Office "Fly Your Satellite!" program, which is aimed at training the next generation of aerospace professionals. The satellites arrived in South America on March 25, followed by the student teams a few days later.
On March 30 the students pulled the "Remove Before Flight" pins and successfully verified that their CubeSats were ready for launch before replacing the access ports on the P-POD, which will secure the CubeSats prior to and during launch and then will release them into orbit. The next time the students will have contact with their respective CubeSats will be through their spacecraft's communication link, after the CubeSats have been deployed into orbit. Once thermal-optical tape has been applied to the P-POD to shield the CubeSats from extreme thermal radiation during the launch phase, the P-POD will be integrated with the Soyuz launch vehicle.
Constructed by students at the University of Liege in Belgium (ULg), OUFTI-1 will be the first satellite to carry an Amateur Radio D-STAR transponder. Developed by the Japan Amateur Radio League, D-STAR enables the simultaneous transmission of voice and digital data as well as call sign-based roaming via the Internet.
"The OUFTI-1 D-STAR repeater will be available either as a direct communication repeater between two users, and as an extension of the ULg D-STAR repeater," explains the article "D-STAR digital amateur communications in space with OUFTI-1 CubeSat" by Jonathan Pisane, ON7JPD; Amandine Denis, ON4EYA, and Jacques Verly, ON9CWD, all of ULg. The CubeSat's frequencies are 145.950 MHz (FSK AX.25), and D-STAR down, with an uplink at 435.045 MHz. OUFTI-1 will carry a CW beacon transmitting on 145.980 MHz.
The other two CubeSats are from Italy and Denmark. The CubeSat e-st@r-II from the Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy, will demonstrate an attitude control system using measurements of Earth's magnetic field. It will transmit CW and 1.2 k AFSK on 437.485 MHz. AAUSAT4 from the University of Aalborg, Denmark, will operate an automated ocean vessel identification system. It will transmit on 437.425 MHz.
[ANS thanks the ARRL Letter for the above information]
TAPR Digital Forum Schedule at Dayton Hamvention, Friday, 5/20
TAPR Digital Forum Schedule Moderator: Scotty Cowling, WA2DFI
9:15 to 9:25 am Introduction by Steve Bible, N7HPR, TAPR President
9:25 to 9:35 am "Write for QST/QEX" by Kai Siwiak KE4PT, QEX Editor
9:35 to 10:00 am "SatNOGS - A network of open source satellite ground stations". by Corey Shields KB9JHU Abstract: CubeSat operators tend to have few ground stations of their own and rely on amateur operators to help collect telemetry. With CubeSat deployments on the rise, more and more data is lost as there are not enough ground stations listening. The SatNOGS Project is a Network of Open Source Satellite Ground Stations, focusing on Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites. In this presentation, we introduce SatNOGS as a way to increase the amount of data collected from these satellites and returned to their operators. Learn what the SatNOGS project is, how it works, and what we have planned for the future of amateur radio satellite reception.
10:00 to 10:25 am "HamWAN High Speed IP Radio Network" by Bryan Fields, W9CR Abstract: Presented will be an amateur radio high-speed IP backbone concept (HamWAN) with an emphases on building regional highly available networks. Utilizing the same techniques which enable the Internet, Amateur Radio networks may be built connecting projects to the Internet or other sites. Included will be an update on the regional HamWAN network deployments.
10:25 to 10:50 am "SDR Disrupt" by Chris Testa, KD2BMH Abstract: Tools and techniques for software defined radio continue to evolve at a rapid pace, and we'll go over the landscape and advancements in SDR technologies this past year. Numerous technologies are driving the power-price- performance curve to a new level of efficiency. We'll take a look at John Stephensen, KD6OZH's mesh project (part of TAPR), which helps pave the way for next-generation wireless links. Latest developments in digital voice will also be discussed.
10:50 to 11:15 am "Spectrum Monitoring with Software Defined Radio" by Mike Ossmann, AD0NR Abstract: Having developed HackRF One, the world's lowest cost wideband Software Defined Radio transceiver, the HackRF project continues to produce open source hardware designs for SDR. Find out about our designs in development now and our ideas for future boards that will enable the next generation of SDR enthusiasts.
More information about TAPR activities at the Dayton Hamvention at:
[ANS thanks TAPR for the above information]
Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T, Named as IARU Satellite Advisor
The International Amateur Radio Union is pleased to announce that Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T, is appointed to serve as IARU Satellite Advisor.
The appointment is effective immediately. Blondeel Timmerman was first licensed in 1980 and has served as VERON HF Manager from 2000-2001 and as VERON Vice President from 2001-2008. He was a member of the IARU Region 1 Executive Committee from 2002-2008 and served as IARU Region 1 President from 2008-2014. Blondeel Timmerman has served as EUDXF President since 2004 and currently serves as a YASME Foundation Director. He is retired from the Netherlands Army Signal Corps after a 38 year career working on satellite projects and spectrum management. He lives in the Netherlands with his wife Margareet, K2XYL and has 2 adult sons.
The IARU Satellite Advisor represents the IARU to the satellite community and the various amateur satellite organizations and performs satellite frequency coordination according to the guidelines established by the IARU. In addition, the position calls for maintaining a database of coordination requests and letters, report to the IARU Administrative Council on issues related to satellites and satellite frequency coordination and, if requested, to provide technical and operation advice to assist the representation of the amateur satellite service to the International Telecommunication Union. The Satellite Advisor is assisted by a panel of volunteer satellite advisory members.
Blondeel Timmerman replaces Hans van de Groenendaal, ZS6AKV, who has served as IARU Satellite Adviser since 1994. Van de Groenendaal has established many of the procedures used for amateur satellite frequency coordination and has been a critical contributor to the process of satellite frequency coordination for IARU. The IARU is grateful for Hans van de Groenendaal’s excellent work and thanks him for his years of service in this important position. He will remain as special adviser to the satellite committee.
Any additional information can be obtained from the International Amateur Radio Union, PO Box 310905, Newington, CT 06131-0905 USA Phone +1 860 594 0200 Fax +1 860 594 0259.
IARU Satellite Page advisor
[ANS thanks the IARU and the ARRL for the above information]
Contest - Catch the signal of e-st@r-II CubeSat
We are the CubeSat Team of Politecnico di Torino, and we are writing to inform you about the contest we have announced today.
The CubeSat Team is a student team of Politecnico di Torino involved in the design and development of small platforms for scientific missions and for testing new technologies. We are guys enthralled by space activities. Undergraduate and graduate students work together with researchers and professors to create a real hands-on experience.
“SPACE IN A CUBE: MISSIONS OF THE FUTURE” is our motto! We believe that small satellites can contribute to a broad set of science goals and space based services. Our CubeSat missions aim at conceiving new scenarios and technologies to serve the scientific community while educating students in the challenging field of aerospace engineering.
Our first CubeSat, e-st@r-I, was launched into orbit on February 2012, and the second satellite, e-st@r-II, will be launched next week: the Soyuz launch ST-A VS14 is scheduled on April 22, 2016, at exactly 09:02:13 p.m UTC, from the European spaceport in French Guiana
It is just one week to launch… it’s time for us to prepare for operations. To celebrate this date, we invite the radio-ham community to support the e-st@r-II mission by participating in the contest to listen for our CubeSat from orbit! We have prizes for the first to receive the e-st@r-II signal and for the one who provides us with the higher number of packets received in the first month in orbit!
All details of the competition can be found at our official webpage:
Follow the daily updates on our Facebook page .
Thank you in advance for your help in collecting TLM packets….. and break a leg!
CubeSat Team Website: Facebook: Twitter:
[ANS thanks JoAnne, K9JKM and the CubeSat Team of Politecnico di Torino for the above information]
Satellite DX Operation
Bahamas (FL15) - Bryan Green, KL7CN, plans to be active during daytime passes of FO-29 and SO-50 from Nassau, Bahamas as C6ACN on Tuesday, April 19, 2016 and from Coco Cay, Bahamas midday on Wednesday, April 20, 2016 (times TBD). The plan is subject to change. See @kl7cn on Twitter for updates.
Posted on the AMSAT Upcoming Satellite Operations page
[ANS thanks Paul, N8HM for the above information]
ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference
Technical papers are solicited for presentation at the 35th Annual ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference, to be held September 16-18 in St. Petersburg, Florida. Papers will also be published in the Conference Proceedings. Authors do not need to attend the conference to have their papers included in the Proceedings. The submission deadline is July 31, 2016.
The ARRL/TAPR Digital Communications Conference is an international forum for technically minded radio amateurs to meet and present new ideas and techniques. Paper/presentation topic areas include -- but are not limited to --
software defined radio (SDR), digital voice, digital satellite communication, digital signal processing (DSP), HF digital modes, adapting IEEE 802.11 systems for Amateur Radio, Global Positioning System (GPS), Automatic Position Reporting System (APRS), Linux in Amateur Radio, AX.25 updates and Internet interoperability with Amateur Radio networks.
Submit papers to via e-mail to [email protected]mailto:[email protected] or via postal mail to: Maty Weinberg, KB1EIB, ARRL, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111.
Papers will be published exactly as submitted, and authors will retain all rights. Please do not email zip files as these will be rejected by our servers.
[ANS thanks Steve Ford, WB8IMY ARRL QST Editor for the above information]
ULA University CubeSat Competition
To U.S. colleges and universities: United Launch Alliance has posted the application for its University CubeSat Competition and entries are due June 1, 2016!
The application and more information is located at
[ANS thanks ULA and mailing list for theabove information]
AMSAT Events
Information about AMSAT activities at other important events around the country. Examples of these events are radio club meetings where AMSAT Area Coordinators give presentations, demonstrations of working amateur satellites, and hamfests with an AMSAT presence (a table with AMSAT literature and merchandise, sometimes also with presentations, forums, and/or demonstrations).
*Monday, 25 April 2016, AMSAT President Barry Baines, WD4ASW will give “An Overview of AMSAT” presentation to the Greensboro (NC) Amateur Radio Assocaition. The meeting will be held at Captain Bill’s Seafood restaurant located at 6108 W Market St, Greensboro, NC. Attendees meet for dinner around 1815 with the club meeting starting at 1915. The club’s website is
*Friday through Sunday, 29 April-1 May 2016, ARRL Nevada State Convention in Las Vegas NV
*Saturday, 7 May 2016 – Cochise Amateur Radio Association Hamfest in Sierra Vista AZ
*Saturday, 14 May 2016 – Matanuska Amateur Radio Association Hamfest in Wasilla AK
*Saturday, 4 June 2016 – White Mountain Hamfest in Show Low AZ
*Saturday, 13 August 2016 – KL7KC Hamfest in Fairbanks AK
[ANS thanks AMSAT-NA for the above information]
Sucessful Contacts
Colegio Santa Rosa, Yerba Buena, Argentina, direct via LU1KCQ The ISS callsign was scheduled to be NA1SS The scheduled astronaut was Jeff Williams KD5TVQ Contact was successful!
Congrats to Argentina on this ARISS event and contact with Jeff Williams! All 16 questions answered by Jeff Williams 170 students present with Teachers and others. 3 TV and 3 Radio Stations on site !
Gagarin from Space. This session was amateur radio communications, Orla, Russia, direct via RK3EWW The ISS callsign was scheduled to be RSØISS The scheduled astronaut was Yuri Malenchenko RK3DUP Contact was successful for 2016-04-16 15:14 UTC
From Claudio, IK1SLD in Italy: Today the contact with RK3EWW Gagarin from Space was succesful. Communications opened at 15:14:45 UTC and from my home I was able to copy near 3 minutes. This is the link to the file (of course I copied only the cosmonaut answer):
USA Science and Engineering Festival, Washington, D.C., telebridge via IK1SLD The ISS callsign was scheduled to be OR4ISS The scheduled astronaut was Timothy Peake KG5BVI Contact was successful: Sat 2016-04-16 18:19:28 UTC 78 deg
Upcoming Contacts
St Richards Catholic College, Bexhill on Sea, UK, direct via GB4SRC The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be GB1SS The scheduled astronaut is Timothy Peake KG5BVI Contact is a go for: Mon 2016-04-18 14:56:06 UTC 85 deg
An International Space Station school contact has been planned with participants at St Richards Catholic College, Bexhill on Sea, UK on 18 Apr. The event is scheduled to begin at approximately 14:56 UTC. The duration of the contact is approximately 9 minutes and 30 seconds. The contact will be direct between GB1SS and GB4SRC. The contact should be audible over the UK and adjacent areas. Interested parties are invited to listen in on the 145.80 MHz downlink. The contact is expected to be conducted in English.
St Richard's Catholic College is a Science Specialist school tucked between the South Downs and the English Channel. We have 1000 pupils on roll between Years 7-11. We provide an inclusive education for Catholic and Christian pupils covering an extended catchment area covering approximately a 30 mile radius. St Richard's was awarded Teaching School status late in 2014 and we are the lead school in the Thrive Alliance, an association of primary schools, secondary schools and a sixth form college as well as lead in the Sussex Science Subject Hub. We are also a strategic partner in the Sussex Maths Hub. St Richards' Science department enjoys a very strong relationship with the University of Sussex (particularly Astronomy & Physics); University of Greenwich (Outreach)and we sit on the STEM Focus Group hosted by the University of Brighton's STEMSussex.
We are a keen supporter of STEM events in our region, with particular success at the Annual STEMFest event where we have won prizes at the National Science and Engineering Competition for the last four years, twice through to national competition. STEMSussex have used St Richard's STEM Clubs' provision as an exemplar due to its success in engaging pupils of all abilities across all year groups. The department has also enjoyed high quality Continuous Professional Development engagement in the STEM agenda with involvement in 'Space as a context for teaching science' courses and a future STEM project with the University of Reykjavik in Iceland.
We enjoy Space Camp UK, a residential trip with all things "spacy" at the National Space Centre and Duxford. The coordinating teacher, Dr Joolz Durkin, is the curriculum enhancement for science and is also an enthusiastic "Space Ambasador" and has worked with the Tim Peake Primary Project at Parklands Infants Eastbourne, Dallington School in Dallington, Pebsham Primary in Bexhill on Sea and Vinehall School in Heathfield as part of this link up.
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. You have mentioned in an earlier call that you have been sleeping very well on the Space Station. Is that still the case or have you found any cumulative effects after four months in space ?
2. As the ISS hosts astronauts from many different nationalities, what public holidays do the crew observe, if any, and how are they chosen?
3. St Richards and two of our Primary Project Partner school, Dallington and Vinehall are taking part in the RHS 'Rocket Science' Experiment from the Principia Mission. How will the results from this experiment influence future planning for growing similar samples in another planet's gravity?
4. We have seen the preparation with Heston Blumental of an exciting astronaut menu for the mission - does the food taste the same in space as it did on Earth?
5. In a sealed spacecraft like the International Space Station, how is the air quality monitored and controlled?
6. We see the wonderful time lapse images of the ISS orbiting the Earth, but what I like looking at are the stars and making out the constellations. Do you do any astronomical research on the ISS?
7. During the mission you yourself are part of experiments using the British designed MMS Cerebral and Cochlear Fluid Pressure Analyser to collect data for the NASA Fluid Shifts investigation. Which aspect of the self-experimentation has been the most interesting or challenging?
8. Are there any experiments that rely on naked flames on the ISS? If so, how are they carried out and what low gravity precautions are employed?
9. If I oversleep my parents will wake me up - have you overslept on the ISS and had to be woken up by someone?"
10. The distance between Bexhill and Brighton is 31 miles with a journey time by car of nearly 50 minutes. How much time would it take for the ISS to do this trip?
11. What are the greatest challenges of living in space and in retaining a permanent crew on board the ISS?
12. You have tweeted some amazing and beautiful images of the aurora. Have you been able to monitor solar flare or CME activity and correlate to the brightness of the aurora?
13. How does it feel to be able to see all humanity?
14. Is the ISS affected by the Earth's magnetic field?
15. On Sunday you will be joining thousands of others in taking part in the London Marathon. What special routines have you trained for this in space?
16. In the London marathon, runners will have natural cooling as the run - how do you regulate your body temperature in a sealed environment such as the ISS?.
17. We understand you are taking part in the Skin B research on the ISS? Can you share any interesting findings?
18. You have tweeted that having a bacon sandwich and cup of tea on arrival at the ISS was the best welcome possible. What food are you looking forward to on landing?
19. What is special about space suits that help you breathe in space when on an EVA?
20. How smooth was the launch in December?
STEM Trajectory Initiative with Albuquerque Public Schools, Albuquerque New Mexico, direct via NM5HD The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be NA1SS The scheduled astronaut is Jeff Williams KD5TVQ Contact is a go for: Fri 2016-04-22 17:32:37 UTC 83 deg
Wellesley House School, Broadstairs, Kent, UK, direct via GB1WHS The ISS callsign is presently scheduled to be GB1SS The scheduled astronaut is Timothy Peake KG5BVI Contact is a go for: Sat 2016-04-23 12:10:50 UTC 62 deg
Watch for information about upcoming contacts as they are scheduled.
[ANS thanks ARISS, Dave, AA4KN, and Charlie, AJ9N for the above information]
Satellite Shorts From All Over
FemtoSat Under Development
Now we're getting even smaller than a 1U ... try 3cm x 3cm x 3cm. Meet femtosat ... _small_999.html
[ANS thanks JoAnne, K9JKM for the above information]
Satellite Show in Moreno Valley, CA 05/05/16
Clint Bradford, K6LCS, will be presenting his "How to Work the FM Amateur Satellites With Your HT" session at the Moreno Valley Amateur Radio Association on Thursday, May 5, 2016. ALL are welcome to attend.
“The MVARC has been a LONG-time supporter of the ARRL, quite active in their communities, and I am honored that they are asking me back for another presentation,” Clint writes.
Attendees will be shown everything needed to work the FM voice ham satellites - with a re-occurring theme of, "Most hams already have most of the necessary equipment ... " Attendees can download a four-page tutorial beforehand at ...
... and Clint welcomes pre-presentation questions. Call him at 909-999-SATS (909-999-7287), or send email to [email protected] .
May 5, 2016 Lake Perris State Recreation Area 17801 Lake Perris Drive Perris, CA 9257 Meeting Room at Parking Lot Number 9 Call-in frequency 146.500 simplex once you are in the park. (Just tell the Ranger at the gate you are going to the MVARA ham radio meeting - you won’t need to pay admission at the gate.)
[ANS thanks Clint, K6LCS for the above information]
In addition to regular membership, AMSAT offers membership in the President's Club. Members of the President's Club, as sustaining donors to AMSAT Project Funds, will be eligible to receive addi- tional benefits. Application forms are available from the AMSAT Office.
Primary and secondary school students are eligible for membership at one-half the standard yearly rate. Post-secondary school students enrolled in at least half time status shall be eligible for the stu- dent rate for a maximum of 6 post-secondary years in this status. Contact Martha at the AMSAT Office for additional student membership information.
73, This week's ANS Editor, Joe Spier, K6WAO k6wao at amsat dot org
participants (1)
Joseph Spier