Hi all,
We have set up a WebSDR station at the Delfi-C3 command ground station in Delft, The Netherlands. A WebSDR station consists of one or more receivers hooked up to a PC and internet. This enables users to tune in to different signals simultaneously.
One receiver is for VLF reception and one is currently used for the 70cm satellite segment. Please note that we will QSY the receivers sometimes to experiment with it. The URL of the receiver is http://websdr.pa3weg.nl/
The hardware is built by Wouter-Jan Ubbels PE4WJ.
The WebSDR software is written by Pieter-Tjerk de Boer, PA3FWM. In November 2008, a beta testing phase has started with a few selected stations. When these beta tests are successful, the software will be made available publicly on the WebSDR project http://www.websdr.org.
Many thanks to Pieter-Tjerk de Boer, PA3FWM for providing this software and Wouter Jan Ubbels, PE4WJ for building the receiver and providing the high sample rate sound card!
Wouter PA3WEG
participants (1)
Wouter Weggelaar