Spacetrack catalog naming of LithunicaSAT-1 (LO-78)

Hi all,
I was checking an online sat tracker to see about upcoming passes and when I went to the bookmark that I saved, it showed the correct sat number (#39569) and displayed the correct track, but it called it "Skycube" and said it was presently decayed and launched in 1998! I checked a second online site and it said the same thing... the second site sourced the info as coming from the Spacetrack catalog, whatever that is.
Not sure how this confusion happened, if anything could be done, if it is already known or if it even matters... but anyone searching those sites for the name 'LithunicaSAT-1' and 'LO-78' will not be able to find the correct tracking. I know it WASN'T this way before as I originally found the correct link by name. I would suggest tracking by number or perhaps look for 'Skycube'.
73, Kevin N4UFO
participants (1)
Kevin M