Hello, de ji1izr/Masahiro.
I would like to introduce these information.
ARTSAT1:INVADER won the Award of Distinction of the Hybrid Art of Prix Ars Ele ctronica 2015. http://prix2015.aec.at/prixwinner/15248/
And the article, "ARTSAT:REPLAY", is displayed in the Ars Electronica festival , from September 3-7 in Linz. http://www.aec.at/postcity/en/cyberarts/ http://www.makery.info/en/2015/09/03/un-hackerspace-lance-le-satellite-artsa... aureole-dun-prix-ars-electronica-2015/
Thank you so much for your co-operation during the orbit of the ARTSAT1: INVAD ER.
********************************** Masahiro Sanada de ji1izr Hiratsuka-city Kanagawa,Japan [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] web: http://ji1izr.atnifty.com/ blog: http://ji1izr.air-nifty.com/ **********************************
participants (1)
ji1izr/Masahiro Sanada